15. I'm Not Asking

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Draco was excited to get going home. But he knew he wasn't actually going home. His mother was going north more north to the wall. Heavens help her. Draco and nora and kelsea were heading south. Home to Casterly rock... that was the plan. Avalon said to go home but draco needed arya to fall in love with him and the moons journey home wouldn't be enough.

"You did it." Nora rasped as she stared back at Nymeria.

"Hide her in your chambers, cersei and Joffrey and the king, all of them, no one must know." Draco remarked.

"YOU DID IT!" Nora declared hugging him.

"Best brother ever, I know." Draco agreed. "Alright hide her while I talk to father."

"Are you going to miss the young lord Draco?" Ned pondered. Arya shrugged as she watched him run to his father. "You spent a lot of time with him, rode with him the way here... that was nice." Ned offered.

"He's my friend." Arya remarked.

"Father..." Draco had to be cool about this. "Mother said I could go to the capital with the starks."

"I... dont think she would do that." Tywin countered.

"Yeah, well she did." Draco countered. "And I'm going, there is no room for negotiation, I was just letting you know."

"No room for negotiation?" Tywin scoffed.

"Please, please, you are my only friend!" Sansa begged. "You can't leave me here, please!" Sansa begged holding onto Kelsea.

"Well I suppose I can ask my father." Kelsea agreed.

"You will? Wonderful! I need my best friend!" Sansa declared.

"Best friend?" Kelsea rasped she never had a best friend before.

"Of course." Sansa agreed.

"I will speak to my father right now.' Kelsea agreed.

"Draco I dont think-" Tywin debated.

"Sansa asked that I go to the capital with her, father she called me her best friend!" Kelsea declared.

"Thats sweet but-" Tywin shook his head.

"Sandor can come with us." Draco cut in. "And I will look after Kelsea."

"Yeah sandor can come with." Kelsea agreed as they pleaded with their father.

"I'm not taking no for an answer." Draco warned. "This is just formality so you think you are winning."

"Fine, take Clegane." Tywin agreed. "Nora is staying with me though."

"Deal!" Kelsea and draco agreed hugging him goodbye.

"Are we taking your rugrats with us?" Robert hollowed after eating a days worth of food in a single sitting.

"Yes. move it," Draco agreed moving to Arya. "I'm coming to the capital, no need to be sad, Arya."

"I wasnt sad." Arya corrected. "But you are coming?"

"Draco." Sandor demanded.

"Hold that thought." Draco rose a finger before running to the kennels.

"Nora said you brought the direwolf-"

"Hushhh!" Draco demanded. "Come on we are gonig to the capital. "

"Fuck that, your mum said-" Sandor corrected.

"But father just agreed." Draco countered.

"And your mother is in charge." Sandor reminded him.

Sunchoke / Arya Stark (2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz