chapter 80

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Teju's pov

I am trying my best but I can't.  I listen everything that he tells me and whenever he cries in front of me my heart aches but I am helpless . But when he said word ' pregnant ' I was beyond happy even then I tried to wake up but nothing worked my body is not supporting me .

Then he said something unexpected abortion no now i have to do it with my full energy I tried to wake up and thankfully I could make up i felt he was sitting beside me as soon as I moved my finger he ran to call the doctor . Slowly I opened my eyes and the first thing I did was to place my hand on my belly .

" I am pregnant " our baby .
" laddoo " I heard I looked up to see him at the door with another guy I guess doctor he seemed to be shocked .

" laddoo you woke up thank God I  thought you will no... leave it are you fine " he said sobbing and hugged me. Then I recalled want he said to me " abortion ' and I pushed him away .
And he stumbled at his place.

" stay away don't come near me you wanted to kill my child na no I will not let you do this " I started shouting and about to get up but that doctor took hold of me .

" teju just relax nobody is going to kill your child relax calm down you just woke up from coma it's not good for your health please clam down and take some rest " he said

" No I know when I will sleep you will kill my child so I am not going to take rest anymore " I shouted but then I felt  a stinging pain in my arm and I str6ed to feel dizzy soon darkness engulfed me .

Karan's pov

I was frozen to my place I came back yo my senses when ishaan shook me .

" karan I know how you are feeling now but I think I should delay that process we can't do this now or her condition will get worst let's go to my cabin and let her sleep I gave her injection she will not wake up for two hours " he said and  took me to his cabin .

We entered his cabin cabin and we both sat opposite each other .

" see I know karan you must be thinking how she woke up so suddenly it's not sudden as you told you always talk to her so she was trying but now when toi told her about abortion she could not take it and you just what happened it often happens in these cases patient always react like this after all she is a mother wnad you were talking about her child so it was natural  don't worry make her understand nicely " he told me .

" it's alo my child even I don't want to do this but I am helpless and you told na you have no other option " I retorted

" she is your wife and I don't need to tell you what you have to do and don't worry I will also try to find some solution " he suggested me

Before I could say something a  Nurse came running to us and said , " sir wo mam mam... I ran to her room without let her complete . When I reached all the things were shattered in the room and she was struggling in the grip of two nurses.  I ran to her and hugged her  tightly.

" laddoo relax see your sunny is here nothing will happen to our child I promise you first you calm down we will talk about that " I felt her relaxing then I laid her on bed and started to carress her hair . After sometime she slept I also slept  there like that .

" karan .. " I woke up hearing my name I opened my eyes ans ishaan was standing there .

" it's time to give her medicine I also came before but when I saw you both like this I did not disturb you " he said and I moved aside giving him some space . He checked her and instructed nurse to give medicine .

" she is fine now her vitals are normal and yes your mom dad are waiting outside " he said turning toward me .

I nodded and we both came out of the room where mom dad and also papa were waiting for me .
( from now on I will address teju's dad as papa )

" karan how she is now ishaan called us and told she woke up from coma " they started with thier question without stopping.

I told them everything.
" it's not easy for any mother karan she can become a fighter to save her child . " mom said sitting on chair. 

" but mom you know her condition and I did not tell her about that but I think now I have to tell her and convince her for abortion just for a child I can't risk her life we are enough for each other and if she will insist we can adopt a  child but for now I have to convince her I know it will not be easy but nothing is important for me except her . I have to give her this pain . " I said and walked to her room .

Teju was laying on bed and seemed to be calm . I went to her and sat beside her but she turned her face to other side .

"  can we talk now ? You have to listen me " I said but she did not see me I stood up to go giving her some more time but she held  my hand and gestured me to sit .

" see listen carefully what I am going to tell you I did not tell you before because I don't want to give you stress but now situation is different when you met that accident your uterus hot damaged due to blow and now it's too weak to carry a child so I decided we will not do our kids but you remember that night it was raining heavily and your body was completely cold so I have to do this to warm your body and you got pregnant and then you pulled that stupid stunt why did you come between  us and I thought I would not  forgive you for that   but then we got the news of your pregnancy and I could not understand whether I should be happy or sad . You are life you are my everything I can't risk your life just for a child so I decided I will abortb this  child but suddenly you woke up from coma you don't know how much happy I was but it was short time happiness and....she enterrupted me

" sunny please don't do this it's our child I promise I will take care of me I will always oblige you I will never give  you chance of complain but please let me bring this  child in this  world I never asked for something but I am asking something please  I want to give birth to our kid please " she pleaded with her teary eyes which are my weakness .

" but we don't have any option and listen tejasswi you agree or not but we have to abort your child that's final no more discussion " I shouted and left slamming the door behind .

I left hospital and came to a nearby temple. " Why.. why are you doing this with her why she has do much faith on you she never dud and to anyone so why are you punishing her like this you know what you always do this with good people .." i was shouting in front of that statue. 

I was about to go my phone rang I saw it was ishaan ..


Accidental loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें