chapter 17

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Karan's pov

I was busy with my buisness association discussion some projects.  Then I noticed teju is not with me . She went to clean her dress but did not return yet .
I started to search her but she was nowhere to be found . I got tensed as she is unaware of this place . What if she stuck in some problem .

I went upstairs and checked every room one by one . But she was not there   I got really scared where she can be .
Suddenly I heard some noise I went behind the voice which was coming from a secluded room . I did not checked it because it seemed closed for a long time.

I made my way to that room and started banging the door .

" teju.... are you there baby " I was continuously banging the door but there was no response so I thought it was my illusion.  As I turned around to leave the place " kara...karan " I heard her stuttering voice  .

I immediately stared yelling  ," teju please open the door are you fine... I am scared please open the door " I was continuously pleading but the door did not open.

Negative  thoughts appeared in my mind and I  thought to break the door  .
I took two step back and pushed the door with all my force . The door opened in one go due to extreme force .

The scene infront of me froze me at my place . Anger ran in my veins  . my Vains were popping out due to anger . My eyes were blazing with fire . He was on top of  my baby and trying to force him on her  . He qas trying to rape her . As soon as she saw me she ran to  me and hid behind my back .

How dare he to touch my doll now you will see the real Karan kundrra .

" Mr. Kundrra listen to me she is not like   you think about her . She herself brought me here and asked me to fuck her . She is really a whore "


I smacked him so hard that he fell on floor and his head hit the edge of bed .
I keep punching him until his all face was covered with blood . But still I did not stop .

"I will kill  you bloody bastard how dare you touch her with your filthy hands and speak shitty things about her . " I said while punching him on his stomach. Now he became unconscious .

Suddenly I heard the voice of thud I turned to see . My doll was laying on the floor unconscious. 

I lifted her in my arms in bridal style and made her lay on the bed .

" baby please open your eyes . I can't leave without you please baby get up . " I was continuously pleading having tears in my eyes.

There were bruises on her neck and dried blood on the corner of his lips  .
I was boiling with anger . John now you will beg for your life .

" manager... manager ..... koi hai please  someone call the doctor " I shouted .

The manager came and he was shocked .

" sorry ..... sir .... I did not know I just called the doctor she is on her way  " he said to me bowing his head .

The doctor was checking her .

" Mr. Kundrra your wife is now fine but she is in trauma.  Due to panick she got fainted I gave her injection she will be conscious in some hours. But I want to tell you some thing." She said to me with little hesitation.

" Yes doctor "

" I hope you know someone tried to rape her . She can't forget it so easily you have to keep her happy so that she can be  healed for any girl it is  very sensitive matter and rest you are enough mature to understand what I am trying to say "

" ya doctor I will take care of her she does not know how she is important for me " I thanked doctor and took her to the door  .

It's been two hours she did not  gain her consciousbess. I am sitting beside her carressing her head .

" please leave..... leave let ......go " she started to blabber in unconscious state .

" shhhhh...... he is not here It's me karan nothing will happen to you "
Again she slept.

After some time she slowly opened her eyes  . She lifted her head .

As soon as she saw me he hugged he tightly and  broke out in crying.  She hid her head in my chest and  was crying .

" Karan ... he ...he touched me .... he tried to rape me .. now I am not pure anymore . He.... he made... me dirty . Now every one will hate me ." She was stammering with loud sobes .

My heart ached seeing her in this condition   I can't see her like this . I can't stand her eyes.

" No. Baccha he is the on who is dirty . And you are so pure  you don't need to think like this . Now stop crying and sleep for some time then we will go home .

John you will shed blood tears just wait and watch .I came outside the room  made a call.

" Hello... how is he . Make his condition worst  . He should regret why he born in  this world " with this I cut the call  .

I told everything mom and dad and they are also worried.

" sunny please bring her home pta nhi meri bacchi kaisi hogi " mom said while crying.

" Don't worry mom now she is little bit fine I am bringing her home in sometime please don't remind her anything.  We have to keep her happy and also busy.  We have to keep her distracted so that she can forget everything ." I made her understand.

I made my way toward the room she was sleeping due to medicine . I have to wake her up and take home . As much as  she will spend her time mom and dad she will feel good  also I will take to her patents house . She will be happy to see them.  I thought in my bed  .

I went  to the bed and sat beside her . I took her head and placed on my lap .

" today you have to face all this just because of me  . I should not have left you alone I knew  all these things are new for you still I left you.  But i promise  you I will protect you always Noone can even touch you . You are my princess . I LOVE YOU  baby and soon I will confess to you " I said carressing her hairs   .

Hey guys I have to tell you something my exams are scheduled from 15 April do I will not be regular but I will try to give update in every two days .
But after 19th I will give regular update

Till then think to whom karan called.

Stay tuned for next chapter.

Happy reading 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

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