chapter 34

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Teju's pov

I woke up by a sharp pain on my cheek . I opened my eyes with a jerk . I looked up  only to see a man smirking at me . My vision was not clear with difficulty I opened my eyes properly . As soon as I saw the man floor slipped under my feet . I was shocked to the core .
I tried to open my mouth but I felt a sharp pain in my jaw .

" SO finally you woke up how much you sleep yrr now we will not let you sleep you more or you will not be able to see the torcher we are gonna do to you . " Vishal said and started to laugh like a maniac .

" but I have to say you are such a fool how can you believe a stranger over your own husband . I did not have to do much to gain your trust . I just had to save you with those goons oops ! Sorry I should say fake goons to whom I sent . And you made me your friend and you landed yourself In a great danger you risked your own life just for the sake of me . Seriously tejassvi you are so dumb . " he finished and laughed like a mad man .

My eyes widened in shock how can anybody steep so low but why did he do this to me . I did  not even know him . I should have listened to karan he always warned me to stay away from me but I am so stupid I did not listen to him .

" Why... di... did.. you this... what I have... done.... to... you ..." i said in my limping voice.

" No! No ! You have done nothing to me you ate paying for your husband deeds baby . Now he will bear the same pain that I felt 5 years before . He loves you so much.  If I kill him then it will be a easy death for him but I don't want that . If I kill you he will die slowly slowly . I want him to die each second " he continued.  He came close to me and started to trace his finger on my cheeks making me feel disgusted .

Then he reached to my lips he brought his face close to me he was about to kiss me but I pushed him with all my force to which he stumbled on his feet .


He cursed and again came close to me . This time he slapped me hard that I felt some liquid near my lips . He fisted my hair and said , " how dare you to push me what did you think I will kill you so easily no baby I will torcher you . You will scream my name only then I will get relief and my revenge will be completed . I will starve you to death . " he said coming close to my face and again slapped me  .

" what do you think after all this you will escaped no you cowerd ! My karan will not leave you . You think you can scare me by your shitty threats  . No ! I am not scared I am not old teju who will cry and beg to you , please leave me Viahal pleas . No ! My love for karan is not that weak it's my belief he will come for me and save me . You just count your days because very soon you will be dead "  I threatened him trying to be strong   . I will not show him my tears .

" I don't know what he did to you  but I know one thing for sure he will not do anything wrong " I continued further .

" what do you think he is a Saint no he is also a monster  . I am sure he did not tell you his real identity let me do the honor   he is a mafia " he explained making me shocked.

" No it can't be true  he would have told me if he is a mafia . He loves me he never hide anything from me and you think I will believe you after all this you did to me . Never ! " I yelled at him .

OK I tell you a story listen it carefully only then you will believe he is not a Saint .


( guys Flashback will be in Vishal pov )

I was studying in same college where your husband was pursuing his MBA and I was his classmate but today he can't recognize me I changed me to that extent just to take my revenge .

He was always surrounded by many girls like playboy you know . In all those girls there was one more girl named ananya . She loved him but he did not pay attention  to her . She was so beautiful and my love of life . I loved her so much whenever I tried to purpose her she always rejected me just because of your so called husband because he was more handsome than me .  But I knew one day she will understand my love for her and I was waiting for the day but it never came .

Soon her love for him became her obsession she was determined to get is love at any cost and her mental state kept deteriorating . Her family tried their best to make her understand but all efforts were in vain . One day she went to karan home without informing anyone . I and her brother were good friend he knew everything about me . Immediately he called me and informed me about her absence in house . Both of us were roaming on the road searching for her . Then I called one of her friend and I got to know she went to karan's house .

Without wasting any second we tan to his hone but we were late . But at some distance from his house we noticed a crowd . We stopped the car and came out to see and the sight in front of me made us freeze at our place .

She was ananya laying on the road in the pool of blood I ran to her and placed her head on my lap I checked her nerves with my trembling hands but she was dead . I started to cry placing his head close to my chest . From the crowd we got to know she met an accident which is the reason of her death . But her postmortem repot was saying something else .

It was clearly mentioned she was raped brutally and later on they threw on the road and a car crushed her . On that day itself I took a vow to destroy karan kundrra .

Flashback ends

Teju's pov

There were tears in his eyes   . But my karan can't do this I know him . " look Vishal I know whatever happened with Ananya was wrong but how can you say it was all done by karan may be someone else did it ," i tried to convince him .

NO !

HE shouted at the top of his voice and said ," it's only karan who did it . You know he was a playboy everyday he got a new girl to warm his bed and......

" bas... bas Karo " I yelled keeping my hands on my ears before he can speak further .

" NOW you take some rest because you are gonna enjoy tonight baby ." He said with a smirk on his face and he took his phone and called someone .

" now you can come everything is ready she is all yours " I heard him talking to someone .

Fear  built inside me hearing him .

So here is the waited part I want to complete flashback in a single chapter . Sorry if I disappointed you .
But can karan do this ? Share your point of view with me .

Happy reading guys 😊😊😊🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

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