chapter 38

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Riya starred to speak ,


Ananya was madly in love with you . She can go to any extent to get you . Even she lost her all senses in your love . I tried my best to make her understand but she did not listen to me . her family locked her in home they did not allow her to go outside as doctors strictly prohibited her to go alone .

One day she called me and told me she was going to your house . I tried to stop her but she did not listen to me and cut the call . She was already on her way when she called me .

Immediately I booked a cab and went  towards your house  . It was late at night Noone was on the road  . On the way I noticed some men were chasing a girl . When I went near I saw she none other than Ananaya . I asked the driver to stop the car he tried to stop me but how can I leave my friend in problem .

On my insistence he stopped the cab I came out of the cab and he left .
She was running for her life but may be the luck was not at her side . Her leg slipped and she fell down . Those men took advantage of the opportunity and two men held her arms tightly.  I ran to help her .

" Hey leave her right now or I will call police " I yelled while one the men came near me and took hold of my hand .

" ohh.... so buy one get one free offer chal raha hai koi bat nhi tumhe bada Maja aega " he said rubbing my hand in a disgusting way .

" first let's play with her later on we will enjoy with  you " one of the men said pointing towards Ananya.  They tied my hands to one of the tree there . I tried my best to free myself and help her but I was not able to do . They raped her brutally in front of my eyes she was continuously crying but there was no one to help her . They started to take step towards  .

They were about to touch me I  closed my eyes in fear but nothing came to me .when I opened my eyes there were already gone I was confused but I did not care .

All I cared at that time was my friend Ananya . But she was lying on the road lifeless . Suddenly a truck came with full speed and crushed her as they bloody bastard threw her on the middle of the road .

I froze at my place to see her dead . Then a car came and a man came put of the car . he checked her and told she was dead . Then realization hit me and I cried for help that man came to me and untied my hands  . Soon people started to gather. 

I was in shock . I got scared I was not able to understand what to do so I ran away from there . Then I decided to leave the city . I made an excuse to my parents and left the city . After that I don't know what happened .

She told us everything with tears in her eyes .

" so you mean they were looking local goons . " I asked her .

" I don't know " she replied hanging her head down .

" Abeer , drop her to her house safely " I said to which abeer nodded and left the place with that girl.

I turned around and saw Vishal smirking . I got suspicious because if they had been local goons definitely I would have known them .
I went close to him and held her collar
," you did it right " I asked in stern voice.

But he did not replie and continued to smile . This made me more furious .gain I punched him hard .

" Yes..yes... I did it those goons that track all  was  planned by me only . She rejected me just for you then I decided she will not mine then I will let her become anyone's.  I will make her life hell . I befriended with her brother  . When ever he used to to go to bring her medicine somehow i made her stop in I brought medicine in place of him .but always I changed those medicine because of which her condition got worst . I took my revenge from her but how  could I leave you so I made another plan for you .

That night I convinced her to come to you and confess her love again . And she also agreed with me because of her mental state . But my me  informed me about her friend . I also took advantage of it . I pretended to search for her in front of him then intentionally I called riya to find her . Without wasting a second he headed to that location and I followed him .

We were about to reach there only then I called them and ordered them to leave the place . I made him belive that all this was done by you . I filled his ears against you . He decided to take revenge for his sister .

He said without any regret .

" still I did not get relief so I used your wife . I know you love her . You can't bear even a single scratch on her .so how can I leave this opportunity.  In front of her I pretended as I loved Ananya so much and all this I did only for her and she is so innocent that  she believed me . And yes I also told her about your real identity but I have to say she also loves you she did not listen to me . Then I have to give her to Rohit .

Yrrr she is so hot but alas ! I could not enjoy with her she.....he could not be complete his sentence, I took a cutter and cut his tongue.

He was writhing in pain . He deserves this only . Now I could not control I took my gun and fired him exactly at his chest .

I ordered my men to settle down his dead body . I also called Abeer and informed him . I know rest he will handle. 

Now I have to go to my princess before she wakes up .

Currently I am driving my car to home . VISHAL' s words are ringing in my head.
He told everything to her what if she believed him . No ! I can't afford this .

I can't afford to lose princess. What will I say to her when she will ask me about my real identity.

But i will not lie to her anymore I will tell her the whole truth . I know she will be upset with me but I know how to handle my princess .

Before that I have to do a a important work . I took out my phone and called jack my personal investigator whom Abeer appointed.

" jack I want each and every detail of Rohit Malhotra in next hour . " I ordered  him fixing my gaze on the road .

" all right sir you will get it " he said to which I hummed and cut the call.

I stopped my car in front of my Home .
I went inside and went direct to my room . The sight in front of me made me smile .

Hello everyone her is the next update . Read it and enjoy .

I'm investing my time here guys please show some love and do comments and votes .

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