chapter 52

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Author pov

Anil went his home and he was completely disturb . When he reached his wife was sitting on couch watching TV . As soon as her eyes landed on her husband she switched off the TV and went to him .

" what happened Anil you look so stressed what happened " she asked but he did not say anything and passed her and sat on the couch with a thud . She followed him .

" Anil please tell me now you are  scaring me " she asked watching his blank expression .

" everything is finished now they will not leave us " he said with a blank face .

" everything.... finished.. and who will not leave us please be clear with your words "

She cupped his cheeks and made him look at her ," now speak "

Then he told her everything coming back of prakash his being mafia leader and kk's threats everything.  She was also blank hearing everything.

" I told you before also she is just a peice of shit I am sure she must have told karan and instigated against us she is a curse you should not have brought her here she is ..... she could not complete a hard slap landed on her cheeks .

" how can you be so cruel kam se kam ab toh sudhar jao but who i am kidding you can never be like that now I am regretting why I did not stop you . You kept torturing her and I kept standing silent I am disgusted with myself .
And you have to do as he said otherwise he will make you in his own way " he said and left home .

I will not go anywhere that too as maid no way . Her trance broke by the ringing of her phone . He picked up the call .

" Hello mrs. Prakash you did not  come home I  have sent my parent to Punjab now my mom is not at home and I don't want my princess to do housechores . So come fast ok " he said as soon as she picked the call .

" I will  never work as maid we gave her food in allw years now that bitch has a tongue " she said greeting her teeths .

" thank your stars you are on call not infront of me or believe me I wold have cut your tongue to use that word for my princess and yes I can bet you will be standing in my place in just one hour " he said and cut the call .

She sat on the couch thinking of then her phone beeped with a message it was the same number.  She opened the message it was a video as soon as she saw the video she got scared and sweatband started to from on her forehead.

She immediately called him .
" please.... don't... do...this... I..  Will.. do... as you.... say ... " she said witha scared voice as soon  as he picked the call .

" I knew it " he said and cut the call .

Karan's pov

I reached home and went straight to mom . " mom I have somyyyething for you " i said giving her an envelope .

" what is this karan " she asked opening the envelope she was confused to see the content in it . It was two tickets for Punjab.

" Punjab but  Why so sudden and these are only two you will not go with us ? She asked looking at me .

" No mom or you two are going it's like a vacation now pack your bags your flight is  in two hours so hurry up " I said making her stand .

I have to send then away from house otherwise mom will never agree for this . Then I went to my room and saw my princess was reading something .

I cleared my throat to gain her attention.  And her gaze fell on me and she kept the book aside and came to me .

" hi my cute little princess " I said hugging her  she also wrapped her hands around my torso .

" I have to tell you something mom and  dad are going to Punjab I am sending them alone for spending sometime alone . They will spend thier time in Punjab and we will spend our time here " I said .

" what I mean you did  not inform me " she said parting from me .

" baby it's a surprise then how could I tell you . They will leave in two hour " I said and started to kiss her on cheeks .

After two hours we all went to airport to see off mom and dad .
" mom dad I will miss you but don't miss me just enjoy your holidays " she said hugging mom then she touched thier foot for blessing . I also hugged  them and thier flight was announced.  So they went for check in . We also came back to home .

We reached home . Now I have to do a important work so I sent her room saying her to freshen up . When she went I called Mrs. Prakash.
I threatened  her by sending a video of man whom I punished for his sin and it really worked  .

I went to kitchen and messed up whole kitchen intentionally.  I scattered all the things here and there .
" sir someone is waiting for you in the hall " a maid came to me  to inform and then I noticed there is still two maids are at home immediately I ordered her to leave .

I went to the hall where she was already waiting for me . I went and sat on the couch .

" See I told you you will be standing infront of me in two hours and here you are . Ok leave it just look at the house there is so much dust go and take broom and clean whole house it should be clean " I ordered her she just nodded her head . She turned to go but I stopped her .

" Wait... first cover your face my princess should not know  it's you and if you dare to tell her then you very well know what I can do I guess I don't need to tell you . Am I clear " I asked and she nodded .

I can't raise my hands on you as you are a woman my ethics don't allow me to do this . But I will make you realize and you will regret your deeds . As of my princess I can not let her know about all this because I know my princess is so innocent she will never agree with it .

I got up to go my room but I saw her coming towards me smiling .
" what do you want to  eat today I will.make your favorite " she asked coming close to me .

" you don't need to do anything I appointed a new maid today she will do everything let's go I introduce her to you " I said but I am talking about my curious cat . She has to know  everything

" but why I mean we already have maids and you appointed a new one " she asked me .
" baby I gave them paid leave so they will be on leave for one month and after that they will come and this new one will  go " I replied and said , " ohh ! "

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