chapter 78

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Karan's pov

The sound of bullet echoed in the place but I did not feel any pain when I looked down my whole world stopped .  Ladoo my laddoo is laying on the floor in the pool of blood . The bullet I was supposed to take she took it just for saving my life .

I was stilled at my place  .
" princess... " I heard a loud voice which brought me back to my senses I fell down and took her in my lap . Nothing can be worst than this my life is laying on my lap lifeless . No it can't be true .

" laddoo open your eyes it's a prank na baby you are pranking on your sunny but baby isn't good please wake up wake up dammit " I was continuously blabbering patting her cheeks  but she  was just sleeping .

" karan take her to the hospital right now " dad shouted and I picked up her in my arms and ran to the car I sat on backseat taking her in my lap and dad started driving .

" laddoo you can't leave your sunny like this please I will also die without you you can't leave me please open your eyes ," I was crying continuously and with each passing Second I felt as if my world is smattering in front of my eyes and I can't do anything.  Blood was coming out of her belly where she got the bullet I tied my handkerchief to stop the flow but nothing was working .

After sometime the car came to halt I again picked her up and ran inside the hospital  .

" doctor doctor " I was shouting.  Then two wardboys and a doctor  came with stretcher .
" take her to the ot fast we don't have time " he yelled and they took her to the ot .

I fell down on a chair  holding my hair between my palms . I felt a hand in my shoulder.  As soon as I saw dad I could not control myself and started crying in his arms .

" No my son it's not the time to shed these tears my princess  needs you and nothing will happen to her she is a fighter she  fought since her childhood and remained strong she is strongest among all of us . Nothis can be happened to her " he said consoling me

" Why dad why   , why always she has to suffer ? I was supposed to be her place he was going to shoot me but she came in between why does she always put her life in danger for the sake of others " I said crying .

" because she is pure and innocent she did not think a second and took the bullet on herself she loves you that much doctor are doing thier work but we can do one thing pray to that almighty who is watching everything from sky " he said and I moved form him and wiped my tears and stood up from my place. 

" I came out of the hospital and saw a banyan tree I went and took a stone . I put it near the tree and took out the box of vermillion which I brought yesterday because she forgets to bring it here . I put some vermillion on the stone and stood there joining my hands .

" My laddoo always says you are present everywhere if it's true then show me you have saved her manytimes please save her this time also please " I said sobbing .

greece it's very difficult to find a temple here that's why I had to do it . Only then my phone rang .

" karan please come here " dad just said one sentence ans cut the call .

" laddoo no no .. bappa no .." I ran inside  where doctor was talking to dad .

" doctor how she is ? She is fine right ? I asked but he just bowed his head .

" say it dammit how she is " I shouted and he replied,  " see now your wife is out of danger " I felt a sigh of relief but soon it turned into shock when he said the next sentence

" but she is in coma " he said and I sat on the floor with a thud .
" see we have taken out the bullet but due to heavy loss of blood she went in coma.  Ans we can't say anything when will she gain consciousness it may take one week one month and even one 1⃣ year we can do nothing but wait  . " he said .

" I want to take her to India " I said in blank  voice .

" No you can't.  She is not in that condition and as a doctor I can't allow you and if you really want to take her then I can allow you after in week she is really weak and I need her full medical history " he informed and before I  an say anything dad replied , " yes doctor we will not take her until you give us permission "
It's been two months but my life has no colour like before.  Even After these two months she is sleeping peacefully.  Currently she is sleeping on the bed and I am sitting beside  her holding her hand . It's my daily routine now . I get up in the morning talk to my laddoo I don't know whether she listens or not but I read somewhere we should constantly talk to them so that we can recover fast . Then I get freshened up and go to my office .

I complete my work as soon as possible and sometime I left it in half for coming early to my laddoo . Then I give her medicine and again talk to her for almost whole night. 

When doctor told me she is in coma I felt someone took my life from me . But I consoled myself for my laddoo after one week I shifted her to India and took her to my hospital where I talked to ishaan and he appointed the best team of doctors for her . He himself is handling her case but there is no progress . They are trying thier best but she did not show even a single improvement. 

Today is the day of her routine checkup with every checkup I prey to God to show some progress but I always get disappointment. 

" so admiring her own wife " I heard from  behind I turned around where ishaan was standing with his team .

" Now can I check my patient if you ate done with your admiration " he teased me I moved aside giving him space . He checked her and took some samples .

" ishaan is there any progress " inasled as soon as he stood up but he shook his head in negative .

" don't worry karan don't give up your hope she will definitely wake up " he tried to assure me .

" Ok now I am leaving I have a patient to attend you can continue what you were doing " he said and winked me then he left .

I sat beside her holding   her hand
I got How long are you planning to sleep laddoo it's enough now once you wake up you have to face my wrath also for that stupid act of yours what was the need of taking that bullet you don't know a single bullet can't do anything to me I am used to it but you are not please  it's enough now wake up " I said kissing her knuckles. 

Hello guys so how was the chapter but I feel sorry for teju but there is a twist on the way can you guess it ?

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