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I couldn't see anything or move; all I could do was listen to what everyone was saying.

I heard Dove speak to me for a few hours, then Dante, then Giovanni, and everyone kept saying that they missed me.

I couldn't do anything. I tried hard to open my eyes and move my muscles at least an inch.

But I felt paralyzed. This time, I heard Dante say something that made my soul ache.

He first said he missed me, and then I heard crying noises. I guess I felt the sobbing sound, and Dante spoke again.

"I forgot that feelings existed in me until you came into my life, and when you came, I started showing the feelings that I never knew I would be able to ever show again." He says it, his voice low.
really low that I could barely hear. But I did hear every single word he said.

With all the strength left in me. I try to move, and after a few seconds, I hear Dante excitedly yell over everyone's name.

And started telling them that I had moved; that's when I realized that I had succeeded in moving.

I tried again, this time to open my eyes. I felt someone had put some weight on my eyes, but I still managed to open my eyes slightly, such that I bet no one knew I even opened my eyes.

The first thing I saw was Dante with a smile on his face. a guilty smile, if it made any sense. Or maybe I felt he had that guilty look, as my eyes weren't completely open and I could see it dull.

Then Dove jumped on the bed next to me, tears filling her eyes. "Cool down, dove; don't mistakenly remove any pipe," Giovanni says to the dove. And now I could finally open my eyes completely.

"Oh God, you're awake," I hear Dante say, this time with a genuine smile that didn't have any sort of guilt look.

"Um, excuse me," a lady in a white coat says, coming near me and putting a powerful beam of light in my eye.

Agh, if there was any way a blind person could see the sun in close proximity, this would be the feeling of it; she flashed the whole light of sun in my eye.

The woman, whom I assume was the doctor, says Dante. Dante glares at Giovanni, who then takes the doctor out of the room.

Dante comes closer. "How are you doing?" He asks. "Doing alright," I say.

I go a little closer to him and inhale the alcohol smell that comes.

"Did you-are you drunk?" I asked, getting mad. He kept quiet, and I was inspecting his face.

He had dark circles that looked like he hadn't slept for a while and a strong alcohol smell, which made sure it wasn't that he had been drinking just minutes before but a lot for hours, I guess.

His cheeks were red like tomatoes, which meant the alcohol had now kicked in.

Giovanni enters the room back with Gabrielle and fakes a cough, making me realize I had been looking at him for a long time.

"Um, we'll leave you guys alone," Giovanni says, pulling Dove with him while Gabrielle looks at me with a smile and then leaves.

"I'm from the mafia. I'm a mafia leader," Dante suddenly says, which stuns me.

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