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"No, show me," I insisted, determined to see what happened next. I needed to know if the woman had managed to exact her own form of justice after the horror she endured.

Reluctantly, Gabrielle handed me the phone, and I played the video again. My heart pounded in my chest as I watched the scene unfold.

As the man reached towards the woman, Dante appeared from the door behind him, swiftly disabling him with precise shots to his legs and hands.

Then, with a cold determination, Dante confronted the man, saying something I couldn't hear over the chaos, then Dante looks over to that woman and offers her his gun that he held.

The woman, empowered by Dante's intervention, took the gun he offered and delivered her own form of justice, mirroring the man's actions by shooting him in the forehead. Her laughter, tinged with a sense of vindication, sent shivers down my spine.

Dante, having dealt with the threat, left the room, leaving the woman to unleash her pent-up rage on her daughter's killer.

She fired shot after shot into the man's lifeless body, a visceral expression of her grief and anger. Finally, she collapsed beside her daughter, clutching her tightly as tears streamed down her face.

The scene played out before me, a raw and brutal display of the consequences of violence and the depths of human emotion.

"You gave her justice," I whispered, my voice barely audible, and Gabrielle nodded in agreement. Dante remained silent, his expression unreadable.

"Before all this happened, that man killed the woman's husband, then kidnapped her and her daughter to an abandoned place, and then all this happened," Gabrielle explained, providing context to the horrific events captured in the video.

"Why didn't she go to the cops about her husband though?" I questioned, puzzled by the woman's actions.

"Who said she didn't? Swipe the video," Gabrielle instructed, and I followed her direction. Another video revealed the same woman, now standing before a cop, explaining the situation while he demanded money. Money?

"Yes, money. This society is disgusting, Laura. It's not a sweet cupcake world. We do this job to keep people safe because these types of useless cops wouldn't do their job," Gabrielle explained, frustration evident in her voice. I nodded in understanding, realizing the harsh reality.

"Sorry," I said softly, feeling a pang of regret for not believing Dante earlier. "I didn't trust you when you said you only targeted the truly evil ones, but now I do," I confessed.

"Don't stop what you're doing. Keep delivering justice until one day, a dedicated officer steps up to fight for them all," I said, my voice tinged with determination, and I was proud this time.

"I won't, Laura. I'll keep protecting these people until my last breath. But for now, I hope you understand that my intention is not to hurt you," Dante said, raising his hands in a gesture for dove to move aside, prompting her to move off the bed. He then took a seat beside me, his expression sincere.

Despite the danger and uncertainty surrounding us, I couldn't help but feel a sense of reassurance in his presence, and this time I felt safe. Safe without being forced to feel safe. If it made sense.

His Cold ReginaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang