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I had recently known from Luka that my princess, Laura, had been seen crying. I had gotten the pictures of her crying while staring at some other couples making out.

I felt angry at the fact that she liked him. It was obvious or why would she cry over it? and at the same time I was happy at the fact that she couldn't get him.

I had seen how her friend consoled her; they must have been best friends. So I did some digging on her too.

It's said that she took out three tickets for going to Sicily on the names of Laura Romano, Dove Rivera, and Carlos Rivera. Both Dove and Carlos are from one family.

Dove knew about Laura's family problems, so she wanted her to leave this place and go.

"Ahh, a wonderful friend. I'll reward her for her work, as she helped my princess through her hard time." I call up Giovanni, letting him know the mafia is coming back to his place.

I noticed from a distance how my princess went up to the airport and was ready to go. thanks to her friend, who made it easier for me to see her every day.

On seeing her safe, I and Giovanni leave New York and go to Sicily, with our private jet.

In a few hours, we reach the house, and I go to have a quick shower. I was getting impatient. I wanted to see her, but I couldn't—not unless she had already reached Italy.

The moment she reached Italy, the moment her plane had landed, I sent my men to look after her to assure her safety from afar.

I knew she wouldn't be in any problem here, as no one knows her very well. But if my rivals know that I am going crazy for her, they will be after her too.

I got information that she now needed a job and was looking for one. What a nice time, isn't it? I ask myself.

I'll have to make her come up to me for an interview for a job or something; that's where I will let her introduce herself.

I planned on keeping her as my personal assistant, as I didn't want anyone else to even look at her. If they did, they would get their eyes shot easily.

No one will want to be blind, will they?

I needed to let my thoughts set aside for now which i possibly could only be able to do if im drunk.

So me and Giovanni head out to the bar. The workers were doing their job pretty well. I could see a lot of happy customers and a lot of men grinding themselves against pretty women.

I hated such men; I know we were one of them too, but me and Giovanni never forced a woman on anything.

It was all on them; if they wanted sex, they would get it. If we wanted them but they didn't, that's it. We wouldn't go further. We respected their boundaries.

I look up to see a beautiful woman sitting on the counter drinking a blue lagoon, and I see a lot of men's eyes set dead on her. With the looks of their faces, I knew they were stripping her clothes in their minds.

Many of them thought they had a chance as they went up to her and tried to have a conversation, but she let everyone down with a simple no and focused back on drinking her drink.

That loyal beauty was no one but my Principessa, Laura. I liked how he disappointed so many men with just one small word.


I smirked and went up to taking a seat next to her , "Vuoi qualcosa principessa?" I asked her with a smirk still on my face.

(Want something, princess?)

"No grazie " she slurred and said, letting me know she was enough drunk. "Lascia che ti offra da bere ok?" I say her more like tell her.

(No thank you.)
(Let me buy you a drink, ok?)

"Se insisti allora va bene, ma io bevo quelli costosi," she says with a smirk. I know she said that, as she thinks I'm broke, I wouldn't afford to buy an expensive drink and I would leave.

(If you insist, then fine, but I drink the expensive ones.)

"Certo, mia principessa," I say and snap my fingers to call out the barman. "A bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon in VIP lounge 1," I say, placing my hands on the back of her petite figure.

(Sure, my princess.)

Leaving an astonished look on her face, as we make our way up to the VIP area.

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