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Just as we reach the receptionist, without wasting any time, I run towards her, asking her for Laura.

"You mean the woman who had gotten gun shot?" The blond receptionist asks
Gun shot? Laura, for real, didn't deserve all this; I brought her to a place where there was no turning back.

"Yeah, where is she?" I ask. "In the ER on the first floor," she says, with a half smile and a frown.

I rushed towards the elevator. The elevator was on the fifth floor; it would take a long time for the elevator to reach the ground floor, so I decided to take the stairs.

Sprinting towards the stairs, I see Giovanni walking down the stairs swiftly, making me unnoticeable to him.

Stopping my steps, "Giovanni?" I ask him out, and he freezes in his place and turns back.

"Dante? Oh my God, thank God you reached here; Laura is in the ER; the doctor said to bring these tablets," he says, speaking way too fast.

"Okay, go bring; I'll be with Laura," I say to him. He nods and runs to where he was going. I rush myself to the first floor, towards the ER, where I see Dove sitting on the chair, holding her hands on her forehead, crying.

I looked up at the ER, which had the green light on. The operation was done.

I take one step forward; the doctor comes out of the ward. Dove gets up from the chair and rushes towards the doctor.

"How is she?" Dove asks the doctor, stuttering and sobbing. "She is safe from danger, but not entirely," the doctor says.

"What do you mean, doctor?" The dove asks, getting scared. "She is out of danger but in a coma."

Hearing that, I feel a sharp, stinging pain in my chest, and I freeze in place. "She lost a lot of blood, and the brain isn't getting enough oxygen," the doctor says again.

"Just connect the oxygen machine or whatever to her, then yeah." Dove says she's getting mad.

"We'll, she has an oxygen mask on but can't give more oxygen than needed, dear," the older doctor says, tapping Dove's shoulder, and walks past me.

Suddenly, Dove falls on her knees, sobs even harder, and falls to the side.

What has happened to her now? I rush towards her, and I hear Giovanni yelling from afar. "Dove, are you okay?" I ask her.

"Dove?" Giovanni says her name many times, cupping her cheeks and slapping her slightly.

"Why isn't she waking up?" Giovanni asks, staring at me. "Hold on," I say, rushing towards wherever the way took me until I met some nurse or doctor.

"There is a patient who fainted." I say more like "ask," and me and the woman speedwalk our way near the ER.

Giovanni was now carrying a dove in his arms, while the woman was checking on the dove.

"It looks like she has low blood pressure; she will be fine," the woman says, making us sigh.

"What about Laura? How is she?" Giovanni asks, "The doctor said that she is in a coma." I say it in a dull way: I walked up to the ward, where Laura was, and felt terrible on seeing her half-lifeless body.

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