6 | SIX

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Going back home, I immediately walk up to my office and sit in the chair. I call up Luka in my office, and within a minute I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in," I say. "Yes, boss?" Luka asks for his work, which is given.

"I need you to unlock this phone," I said, extending my hands toward him, where a phone was held.

"On it, boss," he says, taking the phone in his hands and starting to type; in seconds, he hands me the phone with it unlocked.

"The password is Laura with a capital L, in case the phone gets off again." He says

"Very well," I say, and he leaves.
Ah, maybe Laura was her name, and she may have kept it as her password.

Smirking, I open different apps on her phone. I first go through her picture, and for some reason she maybe isn't too much into clicking photos, I guess.

She had more pictures of some notes than she did of her own, but I still got some of them. All of her pictures were stunning, but what attracted me was the small girl in one.

She was almost two years old and standing next to a Christmas tree that was almost her height. She has two small ponytails and wore a pink dress. "Cute," I say with a smile.

A real smile? I had smiled for real for the very first time; I didn't have to fake it out. I go over her notes, which surprise me.

Her bucket list I feel a little guilty knowing that I am going to see her future to-do list, but then I realize who I actually am. I am a powerful mafia who doesn't feel guilt.

I read her bucket list. Reading each, filled me with letting out a small chuckle.

1. "Dance with a guy under the rain."
Did she already dance with a guy? The thought of that only makes my blood boil for some reason.

2. "Have my first kiss under the snow."
Ahh, so I see she hasn't yet had a first kiss, which probably means she is still a virgin. That's good; she will be good, as I'll be the first one to fuck her.

3. "Give a donation to an orphan."
Donation? Orphan? What sin was she trying to cover with it?

4. "Travel around the world."
I see an adventurous woman. "Interesting" I say with a smirk.

5. "Buy my own house."
Is she so desperate to move out of her family's house? She looked like some rich baby buying Chanel items, wearing so many branded things.

6. "Get the CEO's personal assistant job at a big place."
I see, so she is someone who likes the CEO-falling for the assistant type of woman.
Okay, then, she gets what she wants.

7. "Get my freedom; live in Italy."
What did she mean by freedom? There could be so much that is related.

And the bucket list ends with one last sentence saying, "I will write down what is left when I need anything more."

She was definitely smart; she didn't want to waste any more of her wishes.

I keep her phone aside on the table and call Giovanni and tell him, "It's time to remove the temporary CEO from the place as I'll be taking the place of the permanent CEO."

My little princess I'll be waiting to see you again, and this time I won't let you leave.

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