Can I listen to your familiar self-talk too?

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Alyne's pov:

When we were walking through the aisles, I noticed Han was looking a bit sad.

"I'm Sorry, maybe next time." I said. Then he looked up at me.

"Don't worry, I got them already." He said with a smile and fast walked further in front of me

"Wait what! Come back here!" I screamed to him trying to keep quiet. He turned around and made a funny face.

''Come here!'' I said, he shook his head and walked further. I ran up to him and gave him a slap on his head. He looked at me with a shocked face, i looked a bit mad at him and he gave me a kiss on my cheek. 

After we were done shopping we got back at the house.

''We're home!'' I said and my brother came running out.

''Lynniee!'' He said happy.

''Thommiee, come here.'' I said and i picked him up and hugged him and turned around with him. 

Then my phone went off. It was my dad.

''Oh hii Dad, how are you?'' I asked.

''Hii sweetie, I'm okay, how are you?'' my dad asked.

''I'm good. Why you calling?'' I asked.

''We just came back from court.'' He said.

''Court?'' I asked and i looked at Han confused.

''For what happend with you.'' My dad said.

''Ooh, Yeah. And?'' I asked. 

''With the bus driver and he got a few other people for the story and with the story you gave and Min-jun gave, He has to pay a fine and he got a prison sentence of 3 years.'' my dad explained.

''Good!'' I said.

''Yeahh, You're okay right?'' My dad asked again.

''Yes i am.'' I said.

''Yeah okay, to be sure. Visit me when you come back alright?'' My dad said and i noticed some concern in his voice.

''I'm okay dad, i will come visit when i'm back. I promise.'' I said and we bid our byes.

After we hung up i smiled at Han and Thomas. They smiled back.

''Mom, Leo? Can you come to the living room?'' I asked as i took Thomas his little hand. 

''What's up sweetie?'' My mom asked as everyone was in the living room.

''Ahh, everyone is here! Great!'' I said and i looked inside the bag that i was carrying and started to give them all something. 

''Merry Christmas!'' I said with a smile as i was done. 

''Thanks Alyne.'' Everyone said. 



I am lazy and not really gonna do what each one of them got and their reaction ect. <3


''When are you going back?'' My mom asked.

''Tonight.'' I said with a sigh.

''Come back soon alright?'' My mom asked. I nodded and gave her a hug.

''Go pack.'' She said and i nodded and went upstairs with Grace. 

After a while we were done packing and i looked at the time and bought tickets to go back to Korea. 

Silent Cry ~ Han Jisung (Stray Kids)Where stories live. Discover now