I don't think it's easy to just hold it in

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Alyne's pov:

I woke up in an familiar place. I looked around and then noticed i was in the hospital. I sat straight up.

''Lyn!'' I heard next to me and it was Han.

''Hannie.'' I said a bit weakly.

''Damn it, you scared us.'' He said and got a tear in his eyes.

''Heyy, Heyy, don't cry. I'm not dead.'' I said and he smiled and then hugged me.

''Where's Lix?'' I asked.

''He went out just now, wait i'll get him.'' He said and when he came back, he came back with Felix and a doctor.

''Felix!'' I said as i saw him. He came to me and hugged me tight. ''I'm sorry!'' I said.

''It's okay, you're okay.'' he said while patting my head.

''Lee Alyne Hya.''  The doctor said.

''Yes?'' I asked.

''You fainted due to eating too little. I thought we spoke it through previous times.'' he said.

''Previous times?'' Felix asked.

''She fainted ten, six and three months ago. If you're gonna keep this up, You'll have to be hospitalized until you can eat well.'' The doctor said.

''Ten, six and three months ago?!'' Han asked.

''Yes.'' The doctor said.

''We'll keep our eye on her doctor and make sure she eats.''  Felix said.

''Okay, but if it happens again, she'll have to stay this time.'' The doctor said and he went outside. Then Grace came in.

''Lynn. I told you not to lie.'' She started off with.

''Grace, please. I'm a patient.'' I said.

''Not the same excuse this time, miss.'' Grace said, i pouted.

''I'm sorry.'' I said. 

''When we have time, we'll come every day to make sure you eat.'' Felix said.

''No need to, Grace will keep an eye on me. You guys just keep on going with you're work.'' I said.

''Ah yes, every time you said you will eat later alone, so no.'' Grace said.

''We will come every day.'' Han said. I pouted, but let it happen.

''I'll take care of the hospital bill.'' Felix said and went out. Then there was silence in the room.

''Alyne.'' Grace said breaking the silence. I looked at her. ''I think you should tell him.'' She said. I knew where she was talking about. My eyes went big and i shook my head heavily.

''Tell who what?'' Han asked.

''Han. Alyne should tell you something.'' Grace said.

''No Grace no. I won't! No need to bring more fire to the fuse.'' I said.

''Then i will tell him.'' Grace said.

''No, no no!'' I said and tried to get out of bed, but i was stuck to some wires.

''When it started that Alyne didn't eat well was...'' Grace started and looked at me.

''After our talk.'' I said sighing. 

''Wait, you mean the talk we had before we found them kissing?'' Han asked.

''Thanks for the reminder. But yes.'' Grace said.

Silent Cry ~ Han Jisung (Stray Kids)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें