So that you don't get tired in a lost corner of your heart

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Han Jisung's pov:

''Don't you guys have anything to drink?'' Grace asked us, we shook our head.

''Wait here, i'll get some, Americanos okay?'' Alyne asked us.

''Yes.'' We said and she nodded and she got out of the booth and walked to the line. I watched as she stood in the line.

''You know if you keep staring at her. You'll make it obvious that you like her.'' Lee know whispered to me, which startled me and i looked at him.

''What do you mean?'' I asked him whispering. And i looked at Alyne again.

''You look to her to most when we are with her. You have stars in you're eyes as you look at her. You hesitate when you sit next to her. And you try to protect her and comfort her.'' He said whispering.

I looked at him again. And he nodded at me, i sighed. I looked at Alyne again and i saw her running away from the line towards the toilet. I looked confused and then i looked to Lee know.

''Could anyone get the americanos? Lynn needed to go to the toilet. I'll check on her'' I said. They looked confused at me and they nodded.

''I'll go.'' Hyunjin said. I nodded and stood up and walked toward the restrooms. I heard a bit crying as i leaned towards the girls bathroom.

''Lyn?'' I asked, not hearing anything.

''Alyne??'' I asked again.

''Jisung!'' I heard her say while crying. After hearing her i immediately opened the door. I looked and saw her on the floor, with tears in her eyes. I fast walked in and locked the door.

''Lynn.'' I said again and I hugged her tightly. 

''It's okay, It's okay. I'm here.'' I said and made her cry more. There we sat her crying in my arms.

After a few minutes she stopped sobbing, I looked at her. ''You okay? Better now?'' I asked her. She nodded and smiled weak at me.

''Thank you.'' She said quietly. As we stood up, my shirt had a wet spot. ''Oh no, i'm sorry!'' She said.

''It's okayy, It's okay.'' I said chuckling. 'She's cute.'

"I'm sorry.'' She said looking at me in the eyes. We stood a little longer looking at each other in the eyes. I noticed we got a little closer each minute. Till we heard a knock on the door.

''Alyne? Jisung?'' We heard Grace.

''Yes, we're okay. We'll come soon.'' I said as i still looked at her.

''Okayy! We got the americanos.'' Grace said and we heard her walk away.

''But i should get the americanos, right?'' She said looking confused at me. Then i explained what happened. Ofcourse without my chat with Lee know.

"I'm gonna clean myself up a bit, before going back." Alyne said.

"Okay. I'll wait outside for you." I said and I unlocked the door and walked outside. As i was outside i took a deep breath and then waited for Alyne.

After a few minutes Alyne came out.

''Yes?'' I asked her. She nodded and we walked back to the others.

''Everything okay?'' Jeongin asked us. We nodded.

''What happend with your shirt?'' Hyunjin asked and they all looked confused at us. 'Oops, forgot the Wet spot on my shirt.' 

''I threw a little bit of water at Jisung, Nothing big. He was a little annoying.'' Alyne said with a little smile the last sentence. They all nodded, then we sat down and chatted a little. I noticed Alyne being a little uneasy while sitting and looking at the other side of the building, so i held her hand hoping she would calm down. To my suprise, she did.

Alyne's pov:

While we sat down, i sometimes looked at the other side of the building to see if he was still there. I was a little uneasy knowing he was here. I think Han noticed my uneasiness, He held my hand. Luckily i calmed down and concentrated on the conversation and forgot him. Which made me smile.

After an hour of chatting we went outside to get some fresh air. While we walked Grace came next to me.

''What happend with you and Jisung?'' She whispered to me. I looked to her confused.

''What do you mean?'' I asked her.

''Nothing just, you held hands while sitting?'' She said. I looked at her with my eyes, and i covered her mouth with my hand. The boys walked further while i stopped Grace from walking.

''Nothing happend. I was uneasy and he noticed it. So he tried to help i think.'' I explained and she nodded.

''Wait, why were you uneasy.'' She asked me as she looked at me with serious eyes. I looked to the boys who were still walking further. 

''I saw him....He was sitting there.... That's why i ran to the bathroom. Jisung saw me and went after me. He helped me calm down, that's also why his shirt was wet. I cried...'' I explained truthfully to Grace. She looked at me with Sorry in her eyes.

''Don't..... Don't give me those eyes Grace.'' I told her.

''Sorry, I'm happy Jisung helped you. I'm sorry i didn't help.'' Grace said.

''It's okay, like you said, Jisung helped me. No worries now. But after we were back, i couldn't really find him sitting anymore.'' I said, Grace started to think. We looked to the boys who were nowhere to find now, they turned around the corner.

''I think we need to catch up, before they start to worry.'' Grace said, i nodded and we started running to the direction the boys went. As we came at the end of the street we looked to both sides and we didn't see them.

''Where did they go?'' I said a bit out of breath.

''I don't know. Let me try calling them.'' Grace said while taking her phone out. She started to dial the number of Lee know. After a few times of ringing there was answer.

''Hello?'' We heard on the other side.

''Hello? Lee know? Where did you guys go?'' Grace asked him.

''What do you me.... Where are you two? Why aren't you walking behind us?'' Lee know asked and we heard voices in the background also noticing we weren't behind them.

''We stopped walking, i thought you guys would notice?'' I said.

''Where are you?'' We heard Han and Changbin saying.

''We're not far from the park?'' Grace said.

''Okay, wait by the park.'' Chan said and then we were hung up on.

''Let's go!'' Grace said and i nodded and we walked to the park.



Hii, Sorry for not posting long. I didn't really know how to continue, a sort of writers block. But we can go through.

What are the thoughts on the new Album?? I'm loving it very muchhh. I get 'There' and 'DLMLU' in my head almost all the time.

Words: 1104


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