Chapter 12: He Loves Me Not (Liam's POV)

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A knock broke through my thoughts. "Lili? You okay in there?" 

"Yeah, May, I'm fine!" I called back, quickly washing up. I'd just have to avoid him as often as possible. I pulled on the clothes May had left out for me, some loss jeans and a tight plaid shirt that showed off my muscles. I ruffled my hair as I walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. May had a big plate of eggs and bacon on the table, hot and ready. 

"Eat up." She said, and sat down across from me with her own plate.

I nodded, and dug in. May was an amazing cook, she made some of the best dishes I'd ever eaten. "When's my first class with...?" 

I know I didn't need to put a name, which she'd understand. "Third period. I'm in it with you. And I'll be giving that boy a piece of my mind." 

"Please... Don't...." I said, moving the food around on the plate. As much as I loved May's cooking, I just wasn't too hungry... I really hadn't eaten anything the entire weekend. Only when May literally forced it down my throat. 

May sighed, and put her hands up. “Fine, fine. I won’t do anything to the little piece of… Him.”

“Thank you…” I mumbled, finally taking a bite of the eggs. They tasted fine, but I couldn’t find it in me to eat.

“Do you want something else? Or should I heat them up?” She asked, worriedly.

I shook my head. “No, no. I’m fine May. Just not hungry.”

“Ok… Do you want me to walk with you to class?”

I shook my head again and got up. I grabbed my bag off of the ground near the door, and swung it onto my back. “I’ll talk to you later…” I mumbled, shutting the door behind me.


As I walked to class, I kept my head down. I didn’t want to see any one, or talk to them. ­­­I just wasn’t the mood for people.  I got to class early and sat near the front. At least near the front May or Harry won’t be able to talk to me during class.

Classes moved slowly, but not slowly enough. I couldn’t wish anything more than I wished for third period not to come. Yet it did. It rolled around, and May was dragging me to class.

“You have to go to class. It’s only the second week of school. You can’t start skipping school.” May schooled, pulling me through the halls.

“May… I don’t… I can’t go to class.” I mumbled, but kept walking. I couldn’t face him. I wasn’t ready I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t see the look of disgust and hatred on his face.

“Yes you blood hellin’ can.” May growled, pulling me through the crowds and into the room. I tried to pull back out and make a run for it, but May grabbed my upper arm, and pulled me back in.

“May…” I said, my eyes wide with fear. “I really can’t do this.”

She huffed, and put me into a chair. “Oh, you’re doing this.” She sat down beside me, and pulled her books out, roughly slamming them onto the desk. “And you’re going to ignore that little piece of… Work.”


                I think I’m the luckiest person alive.

                He didn’t show up for class.

                I think someone up there has decided that they’ve finally had enough laughs at my misfortune and are helping me avoid him.

                “That class was fine.” I said, smiling ever so slightly.

                May rolled her eyes. “Only because you got lucky and he didn’t show up.”

                I paused. “That’s true. Maybe my luck is changing.”

                I spoke too soon. Way too soon.

                In front of the class, waiting, was Zayn, Louis and Harry (and yes, you put those two together), and him.

                He stood there, talking softly to Zayn, eyes wide with fear and almost brimming with tears. His blond hair was messy and there were bags under his eyes. He shook his head slowly, and Zayn put his hand on his should in a comforting manner. He hung his head, and moved over.

                “May!” Zayn called, giving him a quick look before jogging over to us. “Liam, hey.”

                “Hey Zaynie.” May said, smiling. I was tempted to out the two of them, but I wasn’t going to that.

                “Hey…” I mumbled, looking down.

                Zayn looked at me with soft eyes. “Man, you look like crap. Did you sleep at all this weekend?” I looked at him with a ‘are you kidding me?’ face.

                “No…” It’s true. I barely slept over the weekend. I might pass out for an hour or two, before I woke up, tears streaming down my face.

                Zayn looked like he was about to say something, when the biology teacher walked through the crowd. He opened the door, and ushered everyone in.  Zayn sent me a look, saying that we would have to talk later. I don’t know when later was, but I was hoping it wasn’t for awhile. Or ever.


                Class was horrible.

                I couldn’t pay attention. Not with… Niall there. He looked so perfect.

                He was laughing it up with Louis and Harry, obviously not troubled like I was. But… There was something under his laugh. Almost… Saddening.

                I completely ignored everything the teacher was saying, and literally stared at Niall the entire class. I’m surprised he didn’t feel my eyes burning a hole in the back of his head. This is all I’m going to get from now on, admiring from afar, and maybe getting in a few words with him if I’m lucky. Which I barely ever am.

                As soon as we were out of the room, Zayn pulled me away from the group. Damn, I was hoping he would’ve forgotten.

                “Zayn, what are you doing?” I hissed to him, trying to play dumb and get away. I really wasn’t ready for this conversation. I couldn’t even have it with May! How was I supposed to talk to Zayn about this? Not that I won’t trust him, just I’ve known May longer, so I trust her more than life itself.

                “You are telling me what the hell you did to Niall! He won’t tell me anything other than that you did something. So spill.” Zayn said, crossing his arms. When he did this, you could seriously see the vampire in him. The tough exterior was shown in his eyes, which were usually a soft warming browny-gold, were now a hard brown, ready to kick anyone’s and everyone’s arse who got in his way.

                I looked down at my feet. “Ikissedhim…” I mumbled quickly and quietly.

                “You did what!?!” Zayn asked, eyes wide. I would’ve been surprised that he caught that if, he wasn’t… You know… A vampire. Yeah…

                “I kissed him, ok?!” I said, looking up. “I kissed him because he’s perfect, and I think I might love him, alright Zayn!?!”

                “You might love me?” A voice asked quietly.


Magical (Niam AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora