"Damita Jo I mean it! If she keeps spending time with that girl she's only gonna put the wrong idea in Story's head too" he finished.

"Alright Jospeh you made your point" I paused before speaking through my teeth like a angry mother. "Now get out of my house"

I was so frustrated with him. I couldn't stand to look at him. He was making my blood boil.

"I'm only doing what's right for this family" he said getting off of the couch.

"I'm not saying you can't talk to Stevanna. I'm just saying you need to be her aunt and not her mother" I couldn't even look at him.

 I'm just saying you need to be her aunt and not her mother" I couldn't even look at him

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I looked into my babies innocent eyes instead. Her big brown eyes brought a smile to my face in that dreadful moment.  

"Stevanna loves Story, who's telling her that she can't babysit or spend time with her anymore?"

Jospeh shrugged his shoulders. In that same second there was a knock at the door.

"Shit" I said knowing who that was.

"What happened" Christopher asked me.

I looked to my left looking into his eyes. "I forgot Stevanna was coming over to get her shades. She left them the last time she was here"

"Good let me talk to her" Joseph said putting on his fedora.

"NO JOSPEH" I got up in fear following him to the door. I pleaded for him to stop but he ignored me.

Christopher came from behind me and held me as we watched Joseph open the front door. Stevanna's smile dropped once she noticed Joseph opened the door.

"Hi Stevanna, you know Janet and I were just talking about you."

"Yeah, where is she?"

"I was actually leaving, come on you can walk me to my car" he said putting his hand on her shoulder.

Christopher and I watched the two of them walk to his car. Joseph was still running his mouth as Stevanna listened. I watched as her mood changed.

The girl was smiling when she got here. Now she's holding her head down. Joseph entered his car before leaving.

"He must've told her" I said out loud.

Stevanna made her way back to the door. "So I can't babysit anymore" she asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "What happened to you wanting to fight for me. Are you too tired to fight now?"

"Stevanna—" Christopher tired to speak but was cut off by Stevanna. "Christopher I know your trying. But this is a family matter. I don't even think I matter in this family. I hate being a Jackson"

Story reached for Stevanna from my arms. She babbled to Stevanna like she was saying somthing.

Stevanna gave Story a smile. "Ima miss you" she said before making her exit.

"Stevanna!" I called for her to come back.

She ignored my call on her way to her car. "I'm sorry this happned J" Christopher said rubbing my arm.

"Please, let's not talk about it right now" my feelings were so numb I needed a break from it all.

I took Story to her playroom and let her sit on the floor with her toys. She started teething so she finds put any toy in her mouth. Story put her toy in her mouth before smiling at me.

"I love you" I effortlessly smiled back at her. I couldn't let Joseph's attempt of control get to me with Story in my presence.

I closed my eyes balling my fist while I leaned back into my chair. How dare he come into my house giving me that half ass apology before demanding orders.

"Hey" Christopher's voice sent a chill down my spine causing me to jump in my seat.

"I'm sorry did I scare you" he asked entering the room.

"Just a little"

"How do you feel?"

"I feel good knowing that I have Story. She's my little ray of sunshine" I said watching her. Story's babble instantly turned into a burst of laughter.

"What's so funny Story" I asked her.

She instantly started to babble back at me as if she was trying to communicate with me. Christopher couldn't help but laugh at her. My smile went from ear to ear in amazement.

"You impress me everyday" I said to her making her laugh again.

"She's so silly"

Weeks have gone by and Stevanna's been ignoring me. I can't call her and every time I text her she leaves me on delivered.

Watching Christopher with Story was some of my happiest moments. The two of them got along so well. He wanted to give that girl the world. Seeing the man that I love take care of our daughter made me feel like a accomplished something.

One night the two of them played on the bed while I got out of the shower. I walked in the room on them as they continued to play.

"That's your nose" he said in his playful voice. Christopher was poking her nose making her giggle.

Story kicked her feet while she laid back on our bed. "That's your belly" he said tickling her stomach.

She laughed and kicked trying to fight him back. "What's this?" He grabbed her left foot before holding it to his nose.

He made a silly face scrunching up his nose. "Ouuu your feet stink" he said as Story laughed.

I watched as he flinched his head back as if her foot stunk. Story's little self laughed so hard her cheeks were red. I couldn't help but grab my vibrating phone off of the dresser to see Randy name.

I turned my back to the two of them before answering the phone. "Hello"

"JANET WHERES MY DAUGHTER" he was yelling into my ear it almost hurt.

I flinched my head from the phone. "Randy, what?"

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