Chapter 6:There is no place like the dome

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As griffin rock is battered by Hurricane Opie, Huxley Prescott bravely reports the weather and Doc Greene's efforts to erect a protective dome, but it is only moments before he is blown backwards and lands on a boat.

In another part of town, Chief Burns advises everyone to go inside, Kade rescues Mr. Pettypaws from a tree while Blades and Dani make sure the streets are clear from the air, and Sooha is on the shoreline of the beach. protecting the children who are there.

Charlie: *uses his intercom* doc How long until I finish?

Location: dome control station

Doc: almost ready chief.

Frankie: This is going to be super cool, putting a dome over the whole island is extreme science!

Doc: That's one of the best things about science Frankie, it's about keeping the ones you love safe...and making microwave popcorn.

Frankie: we have to hurry dad, the wind is growing.

Doc: As soon as the replacement for this damaged stabilizer arrives.

Doc: I sent Graham, Boulder and Cody to the island of misfit technology for him, they'll be back any minute.

Location: Island of Misfit Technology

While on said island, the three are looking for a tree debarker that contains the necessary component.

Cody:doc said it was connected to the barker tree.

Graham: I remember him, the one who freaked out and wanted to rip Doc's coat to shreds, with him in it.

Boulder(human): It's still not very nice to call these things misfit technology, maybe just...misunderstood.

Graham: Anyway, none of this worked well, better to leave it here than to be a danger to griffin rock.

And Cody goes to vigil.

Cody: Like this, who could forget the computerized watchman.

Graham: Haha, that was fun.

Graham: *imitating vigil* I'm vigil, and I'll keep griffin rock 100% safe.

Cody: yes, taking the whole town prisoner.

Cody: there's the barker, and the stabilizer as doc said.

Boulder(human): Why do we have to come here for him? Why didn't doc teleport him?

Cody: He tried, but he just turned the marker back, he must have fallen.

Graham: Looks like all the markers came off, we'll investigate later, we need to get back.

As they retrieve the stabilizer and head back, an arc of electricity jumps unnoticed from the seemingly disabled Vigil to the stabilizer and back to griffin rock.


Back in griffin rock:

Lightning strikes one of the dome control station's satellite dishes, causing damage to the roof, prompting Boulder to save Frankie from the falling debris.

Doc: Frankie!

Graham: Are you hurt?

Cody: are you okay?

Frankie:Uh...I think so, I just see green.

Frankie: Boulder epic save, thanks.

*both bump their fists*

A girl and 4 rescue bots💖❤️💙💚🧡Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon