Chapter 14:The Watchful Village

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It was another day full of emergencies at griffin rock, Heatwave and Kade are helping Mr. Sharma out of a burning building when the chief warns them over the comlink about a lightning strike.

Heatwave easily catches him, so the Chief checks on the rescue Blades and Dani are performing and witnesses a near miss as the ground nearly collapses under Blades feet.

He checks on Graham and Jerry at the junkyard, to make sure the fragmenter is fully debugged.

Graham: So Cody won't be working in the command center today?

Charlie: no, he's in... *remembers* the scooter race, I'll be late!*walks off*.

Already being in the place of the race, the only one who was present was sooha to support him.

Cody: 👋🏻.

Sooha: 👋🏻.

Sooha: (hmm, Sonna, Cody's career is about to start and the burns haven't arrived yet).

Sooha: (Where are they?).

And the scooter race begins, but a garbage truck wanders onto the track, forcing Cody to spin and sending him out of control down a sloping street, and he can't brake and is about to crash.



And Sooha notices.

Sooha: (Oh no, Cody!).

And then she has an idea, seeing that a boy had a skateboard.

Sooha: Hey! Lend me this.

And she gets on a skateboard.

Sooha: Thank you!

And she's going to help Cody

But Cody when he was about to crash luckily sooha appears, jumps and pushes him off the scooter saving him.

And both roll on the ground when they fall.

Sooha: Cody! Are you okay?!

And at that moment Chief Burns and Chase arrive.

Chase: that, as humans say, was stubborn.

Sooha: haha, Chase was close.

Cody: too close, thanks for saving me sooha.

Charlie: Cody, what happened?

Cody: A garbage truck got in the way.

Charlie: It's over, no more racing downtown, it's too dangerous!

Chase: Don't worry, I'm going to make a summons for this crime.

Charlie: I'm afraid there's no fine for an automated truck.

Chase: So who's to blame?

Charlie: That question is for the mayor.

Time after:

Place: port

Mayor luskey is giving an announcement to the citizens of griffin rock.

Luskey: The mainframe is to blame, it's outdated, it can't control simple technology!

Luskey: The sprinklers don't spray, the cars run off the roads, the garbage trucks change their route when they want to, and that was just today.

Luskey: It's time to replace the old mainframe with a shiny new model!

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