Chapter 10:All Spark Day

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It's morning in griffin rock, and the rescue team wakes up with a loud banging making the burns go down to the garage and the bots go up.

Heatwave: Chief, is something wrong?

Boulder: *appears* No! Something's right!

Boulder: It's All spark Day!

Kade: actually, it's kade sleeps day, I'm going back to bed.

And he falls asleep in the tube.

Boulder: don't do that.

Boulder: All Spark Day only occurs once every seven cycles, I calculated the date on the human calendar, and it's today!

Chase: unfortunate that we have little time to prepare a proper celebration.

Heatwave: We're not celebrating, Earth already has enough of its own holidays.

Cody: wait, what is all spark day?

Boulder: It's a celebration of what makes us, us.

Boulder: Sort of like happy to be alive day.

Blades: and get ready for the party♪.

*The telephone rings*

Charlie: *answers* griffin rock emergencies.

Charlie: We're on our way.

Charlie: The mayor is caught in some kind of freak storm on his yacht.

Heatwave: C'mon, there's no time to celebrate anyway, rescue bots! Roll to the rescue!

The team heads out to sea, where the Luskeys' yacht is falling victim to tidal waves.


As the yacht slowly sinks, the Mayor and his wife are pulled out of the water (along with Poopsie) and Blades and Dani use the winch to fish it out, another freak wave comes in, but with a little teamwork, everyone makes it out. forward.

Charlie: Any idea what might be causing these waves son?

Graham: No idea, rogue swells are usually consistent with thunderstorms but...the sky is totally clear.

Cody: *voice* Uh guys I think I know where those waves are coming from.

And it turns out that the waves were coming from High Tide who is cannonballing himself from a small island while he is in his giant robot mode.

Cody: Ah, dad, you might need to get out of there, I think another rogue wave is headed your way.

Charlie: *uses his intercom* Dani will take the mayor and his family home, we'll deal with the "current situation".

Change of scene:

The team arrives in the Darby Ava to the island where the High Tide is.

Charlie: ahoy, this way High Tide, can we have the floor?

High Tide: Happy All Spark Day, earth lovers!

Boulder: Happy All Spark Day High Tide!

Heatwave: *Annoyed* oh, I should have known that's what this was all about.

Kade: *annoyed* yeah we should call it happy being annoying day instead of happy being alive day.

High Tide: careful, meaty.

A girl and 4 rescue bots💖❤️💙💚🧡Where stories live. Discover now