Chapter 20:The Need for Speed

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The chapter begins in the Otoha residence, at night, sooha, who apparently in a dream, is Haruka and is wearing a white dress, is outside the firehouse.

And then she sees that she is witnessing one of the scenes in the game where the original sooha and Sheila come face to face outside the station.

Haruka: (Eh? Sheila-san? That she is she...?).

And then she sees the original sooha.

Haruka: (That's...Sooha Otoha, that's me!).

Haruka: (but how?).

And she sees original Sooha's vampire fangs, which remind her of her current self.


Haruka: (impossible, is it...?).

Original Sooha: Tch Damn! I HATE YOU SHEILA KAZE!!!*she tries to stab her*.


Haruka: *runs to sheila to protect her* Noooo!!!

End of sleep:

Sooha: *gasp*.

Sooha: *heavy breathing*

Sooha: ( can't be...was that...?!!).

Sooha:(the original sooha in the dream looked very scary and evil).

Sooha: (He's a real monster!).

Sooha: *trembling* (Did I...? Did I...? *starting to cry* Could I hurt Sheila-san?!).

Change of scene:

Location: decelis academy

Sooha: *walking with terrible circles under her eyes*.

Heatwave(human): Sooha, are you okay? You look terrible.

Sooha: N-no, it's nothing...I just had a heavy sleep.

Heatwave(human)'s because of Sheila, isn't it?

Sooha: a little...but, I'll be fine.


Time after:

Later, when sooha was leaving the room, she sees Sheila passing through the corridor and everyone laughing at her when they saw her.

Sooha: *worried* (Sheila-san...).

Sooha:(Will it be alright?)

*Sooha pulls the phone out of hers and looks at the post again*

Sheila Kaze A noble's bastard?

Hello friends, you won't believe this! A few days ago I found out that Sheila Kaze has light powers because she is actually...The illegitimate daughter of a noble! When I went to visit her neighborhood, several people from her community confirmed it and it is even said that he managed to enter the decelis academy thanks to the economic and financial support of the Otoha family.

Sooha: (Since that post was uploaded, the false rumors that Sheila-san is the illegitimate daughter of a nobleman have been revealed to the entire world.)

Sooha: (in the original story, the whole academy...used that pretext to make Sheila-san suffer).


Original Sooha: Oh my God, sorry Sheila.

Original Sooha: This book was so heavy that it slipped out of my hands.

Original Sooha: Are you okay? Your skin is all sore!

End of flashback:

Sooha: (this is the part where Sooha Otoha's talent shone the most).

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