Chapter 22:Family Business and Marge's Return

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Location: decelis academy

Joana: Sooha Otoha.

And in the hallway, Joana Hubert and some nobles surrounded her to accuse her of her, let's just say it's another one of Joana's ridiculous plans to try to ruin Sooha.

Joana: *accusing her* We are going to expose all your misdeeds right now!

Sooha: (My misdeeds?).

Sooha: what are you talking about?

Joana: You have taken advantage of your position, as the daughter of a duke and friend of the most popular boys in school, to torment those of lesser status!

Joana: and your envy of Sheila Kaze because of her closeness to your friends has led you to harass her bordering on criminal.

Sooha: (What? That sounds familiar...).


Sooha:(I remember! I saw it many times in the game!).

Sooha: (It's from when Sooha Otoha gets judged!)

Sooha: (After her misdeeds are exposed in public, Sooha's path to doom is sealed.)

Sooha:(I can't believe it's happening now!)

Sooha: (wait, Sooha was judged by the conquerable characters).

Sooha: (Heatwave was doing it on his own route, and Chase was doing it on his route, all to protect Sheila-san).

Sooha: that's weird.

Joana: Don't play dumb! I have concrete proof!

Girl 1: This is a record of all the bullying Sheila Kaze has received from Sooha Otoha, with evidence attached.

Girl 2: I've seen you tease her multiple times!

And everyone starts to murmur.

???:What's going on here?

And heatwave and all of Sooha's friends show up.

Joana: Heatwave-san!

Joana: Look at this!

And everyone starts looking at the test sheets.

Sooha: *panicked* (This is just what happens in Sooha's prosecution! I finally got caught up in a turning point!).


Sooha: (in the game...).

Game Flashback:

Sheila: everything they say is true.

End of flashback:

Sooha:(If this continues like this, it will be the end of me!).

Sooha: *nervous*

Joana: Go ahead, Sheila Kaze... It's time to put Sooha Otoha on trial for her crimes!

Sheila: everything they say...

Sooha: *gulp*.

Sheila: It's all bullshit!

Joana and her friends:...?!

Sheila: please don't slander someone who means so much to me.

Joana: *nervous* What do you say? We're doing this to help you!

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