Chapter 27:It's a bot time

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On the other hand, at that very moment when Sooha was with the boys in the forest at dawn, on Sheila's side, she was in her residence sleeping, until she woke up.

Location: Sheila's room

Sheila: *she wakes up and gets out of bed*

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Sheila: *she wakes up and gets out of bed*.

Sheila: Aaa... I slept well.

Sheila: *she goes to the window*.

Sheila: *opens the curtains on her window* Since today is a nice day, I'll ask Miss Sooha if...

Sheila: *notices something*...?!

But then, she is shocked, because, in her window...she starts to see the reflection of Acchan, Sooha's best friend from her past life!

she starts to see the reflection of Acchan, Sooha's best friend from her past life!

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Acchan: Hey you, what are you waiting for?!

Acchan: Our friend is in danger.

Acchan: Haruka needs us!

Sheila: *starts* Huh?! W-who are you?

And she stumbles back and falls to the ground.

Sheila: Who... who was she?

Sheila: and... who is Haruka?


Change of scene

Location: outside the lab

Frankie, apparently, was telling Cody about a secret room that the doc had found.

Frankie: Dad found her when he was gardening.

*Both enter*

Cody: wow, is that part of the lab?

Frankie: Maybe, but no one has been here in years.

Frankie: *shows him an old police car* the car from 1930, we wanted to fix it but it is very deteriorated, without seat belts and the windows are manual.

A girl and 4 rescue bots💖❤️💙💚🧡Where stories live. Discover now