Chapter 24:Chris

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Sooha: Chris?!!

Sooha: *runs away* Chris!!!

Blades(human): Sooha, wait!

Heatwave(human):(Sooha! Are you alright? I heard you scream!)

Sooha: (Uh...yeah, I'm fine...).

Heatwave(human):(Where are you? I'm going to look for you).

Sooha: (Uh...I'm in...).

Suddenly, Sooha sees Cody go by and stops.

Cody: huh?

Cody: Sooha! 👋🏻.

Sooha: *stops* Cody! What are you doing here?

Cody: What a surprise! I didn't expect to see you around here.

Sooha: yeah, um, listen, I have to...

Cody: And what are you doing here? Who did you come with?

Sooha: um...

Then, he sees that he was no longer there.

Sooha: (He's Gone! I can't see him anywhere.)

Sooha: uh...I came with some friends.

Sooha: And you? What are you doing here?

Cody: I found out about an emergency that happened here, hey, do you know why dad closed the plaza?

Sooha: ah, N-no, honestly... I don't know either.

Cody: I see.

While with the burns, they inspected the area where the vampires had been destroyed.

Graham: What kind of creatures are those, he's never seen them before.

Charlie: This looks serious.

Kade: And very horrendous.

Dani: And why would they appear inside the alley of the square?

Charlie: Someone must have been here, they couldn't have destroyed themselves.

Dani:*Notices something*Hey, you have to see this.

And Dani finds a kind of black sand on the ground, mixed with the magic powders from the boys' magic.

Charlie: *grabs* What kind of dust is this?

Graham: And look at that...

And they also see footprints.

Kade: Footprints.

Charlie: There's no doubt, the person responsible for this must be the same person who made these prints, but... who...?

*intercom rings*

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