Chapter 3:Too Many Kades

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The Burns family plays a round of basketball, and Sooha and Hayley watch them play.

Blades: Very well, explain it to me again. Is this soccer?

Chase: The feet are not involved here, the object of this game is to put the sphere through the hoop, perhaps the name is Hoop Ball.

Heatwave: How long have you been on earth? It's basketball.

Boulder: Tomorrow is the big charity game, teachers vs. rescuers.

Blades: Do we have to play?

Boulder: Seems like Kade won't let anyone play.

However, Kade has a problem passing the ball and takes all the shots himself.

Kade: Yeah! Demonstrating the quick break and the crowd goes wild!

Kade: ...Why don't they freak out?

Dani: Kade, this was 3 vs 2, you had to pass it to Cody.

Kade: but I had the shot, no offense Cody but for the offensive department you are underdeveloped.

Sooha: *annoyed* Kade burns!

Hayley: *annoyed* that was offensive.

Charlie: you're not the only one on the team son.

Kade: I know, what a shame, right? If it was safe, we would win that tournament tomorrow.

Hayley: It's not a tournament, it's a charity game, and the point is that my students learn to work as a team, I'm not sure you're the best teacher for that.

Hayley: Maybe the game wasn't such a good idea after all, sorry everyone.

And he leaves on his moped.

Kade: Hayley, wait a minute!

Sooha: *Sarcasm* Well done Kade.

Heatwave: *sarcasm* That's it, he keeps talking, I think he likes you.

Kade: hey, I am who I am, right? And if he doesn't like it, fine.

Cody: Are you sure it's our familiar?

And the rest of the family leaves too.

Kade: Where is everyone going? Aren't we going to practice anymore?

Dani: *annoyed* you're the team man, remember? Practice by yourself.

*The telephone rings*

Cody: *answers* Griffin rock emergencies?

Cody: hello mrs neederlander, wait *hands the phone to chief burns*.

Daniel: oh no.

Graham: oh, again.

Charlie: Ma'am, we had an agreement, remember? He promised not to call every time Mr. Pettypaws climbed a tree.

Mrs. Neederlander: *voice* It's bigger than that!

Charlie: Anything, bigger?

Charlie: Alright, let's go there.

Heatwave:*No encouragement*rescue bots, Roll to the rescue.

Location: Outside Mrs. Neederlander's house

Charlie: What is this?

Graham: I wouldn't say it's something bigger but... more numerous.

And they see that Mrs. Neederlander's tree is full of copies of Mr. Pettypaws.


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