Chapter 12:Humungado's Attack

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It's night at griffin rock and up the hill to the drive-in, the rescue team is enjoying a classic movie called: attack of the humungado.

Dani: Someone please explain to me, why do we have to watch a...silly monster movie at the drive-in? It's freezing out here.

Kade: Sorry, Humungado's's not some dumb monster movie, it's a classic kaiju, which means it was made to be seen at the drive-in.

Kade: Big screen, lots of goodies, and no talking!

Cody: *chewing popcorn* nothing better than popcorn.

Heatwave: Just make sure they don't fall into my seat.

Kade: Come on, don't be like that, look at Sooha.

*Sooha is wearing the heatwave jacket and is sitting on her hood*

Sooha: *eating popcorn and paying close attention to the movie* 🍿.

Heatwave: *Cautious* Do you really like those things?

Sooha: Yes, a lot! In Tokyo I really liked watching these movies with Acchan and Hiro.

Kade: Ha, see? Even Sooha likes it, so stop being a killjoy.

Sooha: Fufu...

Graham: Sometimes the old technology is the best, watching a movie, through a projector.

Boulder: Yes, it makes you feel connected to the history of cinema.

Blades: Haha, old story, how fake monsters look, I've cleaned scarier things off my windshield.

But apparently not enough not to scream when Moisture roars.

Kade and heatwave: *laughs*.

Heatwave: Blades is lucky he's not going head to head with Humungado, his yellow belly would be the perfect target for a fireball.

Blades: My belly isn't yellow! It's sky blue thanks.

Charlie: Guys, if you don't stop arguing, you're going to miss the movie.

Chase: For example, I already lost the subtext.

Chase: but Sooha, are you sure you don't want to come to my cabin? It's cold.

Boulder: No, sit with me! I think I have a blanket on my seat.

Blades: No, come with me, with me!

Sooha: *nervous* ehm...

 Sooha: *nervous* ehm

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Kade: ...Heh, not a day goes by where you want to woo Sooha, right?

Mr Bunty is soon called away from the projection booth to sell popcorn, only for a gust of wind to knock a Humungado stand against the projector and start a fire.


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