Chapter 15:Rose is the reincarnation of Ah-yeong?!

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Rose had been arriving at the decelis academy in her limousine, but by the time she barely got off, sooha was already waiting for her.

*Both from afar look at each other face to face without saying anything*

And everyone at school saw the scene, and started spreading rumors.

Boy!1:Hey, is this real?

Girl 1: Yeah...

Boy 2: Huh? Aren't those Sooha Otoha and Rose Jenkins?

Girl 2: It seems they had a fight on the day of the race.


*The boys approach Sooha*

Heatwave(human): Don't worry sooha, we're with you no matter what.

Blades(human): If it really is your old enemy, we will support you.

Rose: What?! Y-you guys are going to believe that too?


Rose: S-sooha, I...

*Sooha takes a few steps forward*

Sooha: Ah-yeong Lee.


*she approaches her ear*

Sooha: *whispers* she goes to my house at 4:00 pm, and she comes alone.

Sooha: *turns to leave*.

*She rings her doorbell*

And they all go to class.


Rose: (Sooha...)


Time after:

Location: outside the Otoha residence

Rose: well, I'm here, as you asked me.


And then he sees that Sooha wasn't alone, her bots were with her.

Rose: Eh?! What...? Wh-what are they doing here? I thought we'd be alone!

Rose: W-what's this all about, huh?!

Sooha: *walks towards her*


Sooha: *uses her magic* laicapse ajubrub.

And there is a strong shine, which later turns into a bubble.

Aris(human): Huh? What's going on?

Boulder (Human): Sooha created an interdimensional bubble so that only she and Rose are inside and we don't hear her conversation.

Blades(human): B-but what if he needs us?

Heatwave(human): I don't know, worry...

Heatwave (human): Sooha knows what she's doing, you have to trust her.

Inside the bubble:

As soon as Rose opens her eyes, she realizes that it was hers again, hers from the past, Ah-yeong Lee, and she is surprised.

Ah-yeong:?! What...what is this place?

???: An interdimensional bubble, so others won't listen.

And she sees that Sooha had gone back to being Haruka.

A girl and 4 rescue bots💖❤️💙💚🧡Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum