Chapter 6:Cody's 11

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Blades, Cody, and Chase watch a Maven Danger movie in which the main character steals an item from his archenemy, Doctor Nuh-uh.

Blades: Ha! And Maven Danger stole Dr. Nuh-uh's diamond from her hands, that's... fabulous.

Chase: I don't get it, I thought Maven Danger was a hero, not a thief.

Cody: he was getting it back, that evil criminal would have stolen it sooner Chase, okay.

Chase: I still have doubts, how would you have them if I were...

*Suddenly they are contacted by salvage*

Salvage: attention rescue team.

Salvage: Hi guys, we're picking up a strong energy emission very close to your island, and it's strange.

Salvage: I'll send you the coordinates.

And the team arrives at the drilling rig at the coordinates provided.

Charlie: Hi! I'm police chief burns from griffin rock! I want to talk to the owner of this place!

But apparently no one is there, and the team enters the control cabin.

Dani: This explains why there is no one, the place controls itself.

Blades: *looking at the screen* look, salvage was right, Energon.

Blades: and it's a lot.

Heatwave: Maybe buried for millennia, until it was discovered.

Kade: wait? Natural energon? Like the one that explodes? That will be a surprise for whoever takes it out.

Dani: maybe they don't even know what they found.

Charlie: I'll have Graham find out whose rig it is, offshore drilling is Madeline pynch's business, but she's been quiet lately.

Heatwave: Whoever owns it is very dangerous to leave a power source like energon unattended.

Charlie: Okay, we'll be back with the proper gear when the storm passes.

*The burns leave the cabin*

But it turns out that using invisibility technology, Madeline Pynch is discovered having heard the entire conversation.

Madeline: So... it's a secret power source, but she's been keeping more secrets, Chief Burns, it seems her rescue bots aren't... just robots.


The next day, the team returns to retrieve the energon, Graham reports that he hasn't been able to find out who owns the drilling rig, Boulder heads to the bottom of the ocean, only to find that the energon is gone.

Boulder: heatwave, no energon, just a hole where it was.

Heatwave: *uses telepathy* (salvage, the energon was withdrawn. Do you pick up any new signals?).

Salvage: *uses telepathy* (I'm going to see but......that's weird, there's nothing, as if it never...had existed).

And they see that the devices in the cabin also disappeared.

Boulder: Whoever took it left in a hurry.

Blades: And what do we do now?

Heatwave: Return to the station, there we will think of a plan.

A girl and 4 rescue bots💖❤️💙💚🧡Where stories live. Discover now