Chapter 8:Exchange(Part 1)

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Outside the firehouse, Chief Burns is playing chess with Chase, though...

Charlie: I appreciate the gift Chase, but next time, maybe you can make the chess human-sized.

And Chase has made the pieces a little too big for humans.

Charlie: It's supposed to be a mental game, not a *dropping a piece*...physical one.

Charlie: Check.

Chase: My apologies chief, I keep forgetting our physical disparity.

Chase: Checkmate.

*Heatwave and Kade return to the fire station*

Charlie: hi son, the next game is yours.

Kade: I can't do anything with this cavity hurting like this, Argh.

Kade: And my dentist can't see me until tomorrow.

Heatwave: What's wrong rude boy? *transforms into a bot* Can't stand a little pain?

Kade: *in a bad mood* I can take everything, except you *leaves*.

Kade: *bumps into Cody* Oh Cody, watch where you're walking!

Cody: What's wrong with Kade?

Charlie: Don't worry about Cody, you seem to have your own problems.

Cody: I want boulder to help me build a skateboard ramp, but he's too busy.

Charlie: Doing what?

And it turns out that Boulder is trying to learn to tap dance, which doesn't help the floor in the garage and makes everything shake.

Charlie: Boulder! Boulder!!

Boulder: *stops* hey chief, I've always wanted to learn to tap dance, it's fun, and a great workout.

Charlie: I agree with the training but I don't think the garage floor will hold up to it.

Boulder: *sigh* he's right, I'm not good anyway *transforms into human*.

Charlie: hey, I didn't say that boulder, I...

*Boulder leaves*

*Dani and blades arrive*

Dani:Sorry blades, I'm *yawning* too tired to lock you up now.

*Blades transforms into a human*

Blades(human): You said that yesterday too, you're always very tired.

Blades(human): I have needs, you know?

*Dani leaves*

Chase: Everyone seems to have a hard time getting along today.

Charlie: maybe you just have to put yourself in each other's shoes.

Chase: I don't wear or even own my own shoes, well, except when I'm human, but I don't see the point of lending them to someone else.

Cody: It's just an expression Chase, it means that you will never know what a person feels until you see things from his point of view.

Chase: I still don't see how wearing shoes has to do with it.

*intercom rings*

Cody: Hi Frankie, what's up?

Frankie: Cody, you have to come over right now, he's my dad, he... he's... I have to show you.

And he shows her that doc won't stop bouncing off the walls uncontrollably.


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