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Chapter Seventy Seven

You got dress with Raphael, it was the middle of the night. And you finally came back to your sense after a few days being insane..

You went down stairs with Raphael to see William and Amina. "Let's stop this mess" you all nodded agreeing.

Raphael and William stayed at Kratha while you and Amina went back to Rarukya to help.

After a few days everything calmed down and you welcomed Kratha with open arms. It became an abandoned empire.

You were able to control the monster and send them back to the forest where they came from and you had Mushu keep an eye on them.

You apologized to both empires for the e way you acted recently; some gave you smudge looks, but some also understood that you were in great pain for losing your husband and forgave you.

"God..." you sat down exhausted "should I heat up some tea for you, your majesty?" Amina offered "no, it's okay Amina. Just a lot of working doing after the monsters destroyed the empire as well the village" you explained.

"Either way I think you should have some tea. It'll help with the stress" Amina walked away to go heat some tea up some tea. You smiled.

You looked outside.

I caused so much trouble. But I'll try my best to make it up for everyone. Put everyone through hell.

You looked at your hands.

I've hurt people with my actions because of my selfish reason. I was so caught up in revenge that in the end, nothing changed.

I hope Mushu is okay defending the empire and people from those hideous monsters. They won't rest until they get to me again..

"I'm back my lady," Amina put down the tea. She served your tea and handed it to you, "please be careful, it's a little hot your majesty" you nodded understanding.

You barley got a whiff of it. And you ran to the bathroom "your majesty!" Amina became worried and you started throwing up. Amina's eyes widened.

"I'll-I'll go get his majesty!" Amina ran out and bumped into William "Amina?" "Where's his majesty!? Her majesty is badly sick!!" "Ah he's in his office!" "Alright, you ge the Royal doctor" Amina ran off to get Raphael.

Amina ran inside his office "Amina?" "Hurry, the lady needs you!" Raphael got up and ran to your room and went to go comfort you.

William came back as fast as he can with the doctor. Raphael was holding your hair and rubbing your back.

You glanced at the doctor, he flinched. He still feared you. "Let me know when her majesty is done throwing up" he went outside the door and waited.

"You can come in now," Amina told him, he came in, he saw you sitting on the bed. "I need everyone out" "no—" you stopped Raphael "I'll be okay, just go" you gave him a comforting smile.

Everyone left the room "can I have you lay down?" You nodded and fully laid down on your bed. "I'm do some test on you, your majesty" "alright."

After it felt like forever, the doctor came out. Raphael was still waiting outside the door "her majesty is resting now. But you can see her" "what's wrong with her?" The doctor sighed heavily.

"It's best if she tells you, your majesty. If you excuse me" the doctor left. Raphael entered your room and walked up to your bed side.

"Raphael?" You sat up "be careful" you let out a small giggle. "So what did the Royal doctor tell you?" He asked, you started fidgeting with your fingers and slowly looked up at him.

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