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Chapter Fifty Six


I opened my eyes, Raphael was embracing me. "Helena..." he held me tightly, Amina and William got down to the dungeon out of breath, they eyes widened.

What's going on? Why is he hugging me?

"Helena," his hand got tangled into my hair "your highness?" We separated "did they hurt you?" I nodded my head no slowly but confused "your wrist and your hair..." he held my wrist.

"Who did this to you?" I stayed silent "Helena!" He shook me "do you not... h-hate me?" I started sobbing, his eyes widened. Raphael picked me up, "move" he demanded coldly and glared at them.

Raphael took me upstairs, "h-hey, you can't take—" "touch her. And I'll cut your arms and legs off and let you bleed to death."

They backed away. Raphael took us to his old room that he had when he lived the empire.

Raphael sat me down on his bed. I continued to cry in my hands, "s-stop... stop crying, please" Raphael's eyes saddened and removed my hands from my face, so much tears were going down my face.

She's never cried this much before...

Raphael got on his knees to get down to my level. "Helena, stop crying!" He demanded. My cries started to calm down "please don't kill me..." I begged, he was stunned mixed with a worried look.

"Kill you? I never planned on killing you, Helena" Raphael put his hands in my shoulder "but I don't want to die!" I shouted and started crying. "I don't want to die!" I repeated "don't let them kill me!" I jumped into his arms and cried.

"N-no one is going to kill your" he wrapped his arms around you, he buried his face into my shoulder "I won't let them."

Why Raphael? Why aren't you angry? Why aren't you torturing me and cursing at me? You just found out my family murdered your own mother!

But instead you're hugging me and comforting me.. why? Is this a trick..?

Raphael hugged me tightly. "I won't let them kill you. Who told you that?" He looked at my face with an angry look, my cries started to calm.

If I tell him, will he get angry for causing a scene?

He noticed my hesitation, he held my hands. "If that small head of yours thinks I'm going to get mad, I'm not" he reassured "the emperor, and the maids found something about my family and they're mad and now... now they don't believe me!" I started crying again.

"Helena, I don't understand.. you need to talk to me slowly and tell me everything. Or I can't help you" "you... you want to help me?" "I wouldn't be here if I was."

I explained everything; about how my family abused me since a child, that they threatened and tortured me every time I went there, about why I fired Amina, and about his mother. Everything.

I finally finished explaining everything, he was silent, his eyes carried so much anger. "Those asshole...!" He tired getting up "no!" I stopped him, I shook my head.

"No... please. They convinced and manipulated the emperor, he doesn't believe me" I grabbed onto him,"I wanted to get on everyone's good side to expose them but it was too late... I waited too long" I bit my lip.

"I have no one now. Amina probably hates me" I cried "I don't want to do anything... I'm just grateful to still be alive" Raphael grabbed my face "you have me" I looked at him with a shocked look.

"You have me, Helena. And Amina doesn't hate you, she's worried about you" I felt the tears coming. "If you don't want to do anything right now, then okay..." Raphael pulled me into a hug once again.

"I won't leave your side, Helena. I... I'm sorry" I flinched.

D-Did he just apologize?

"I'm sorry for not noticing how your family treated you, and the pains they've caused you since a child."

How can I be the greatest knight and future emperor? When I can't even notice my wife's suffering!

I hugged him.

His warmth... it's not even cold in here. But I feel his warmth, it's the type of warmth that you don't want to let go of.

Like when you're waking up early for school and you don't want to leave your bed. That type of warmth.

"What about your father?" I pulled away "I'll deal with him. But no one is touching you Helena. No one... but me" Raphael leaned in, my hands were set on his chest.

"Raphael!" We both stopped from the knocking. "I know you're hiding that murderer!" Raphael set me off his lap and walked to the door, Raphael left me in the dark and slammed the door.

There was yelling outside of the door. I got up and walked towards the door to over hear. 

"She's a killer!" "I'm not excusing anyone for my mother's death! Helena has killed before but now she has to pay for something that she didn't do!" Raphael shoved him. "How do you know!?" "She's twenty two! When my mother was dead she was probably dirtying herself with her own shit!" Raphael yelled.

The emperor glared at him, "your mother is going to get her justice!" "She is! But it isn't Helena! Just because her family are pure shit, doesn't mean she is!" The emperor slapped him.

Everyone around him were shocked but silent. "Everything that your mother done for you! She gave her life for you! And you're repaying her with defending the killer!"

"Don't you dare say that."

They looked at the open door, I stood there with red puffy eyes. "Don't you dare say that!" I yelled at him "don't you use that against him, acting like it's his fault!" I walked towards the emperor angrily.

"Let me say this firm and clearly to you! So it can get though that thick skull of yours!" I stabbed his chest with my finger. "The late empress gave her life for Raphael, not because he was the future and not because she felt obligated to! She wanted to!"

"He isn't just the future! He was her son, the son she loved dearly! And would do anything for! Like any other mother, you're just putting the guilt of yours onto him because of your own actions" the emperor stayed silent.

"I had nothing... nothing to do with the late empress murder. Or any of their crimes!" I added, I started taking my dress off "lady Helena!" Amina tried stopping me. I showed them my back.

"This is what they do to me!!" The emperor's eyes widened "they abused me! They threatened to kill me if I don't help them! And when I don't, I get this! They were going to kill your son! Your only family left!" I pulled my dress back up.

Raphael watched me with admiration, watching me defend him. "Believe what you want, kill me. But don't you dare say shitty stuff like that to Raphael" everyone looked at the emperor.

"They did that to you...?" I didn't reply but looked at him firmly. The emperor looked at Raphael and then back at me.

"If you're lying, their blood is on your hands, Helena De Lavgine" The emperor walked away. My legs felt weak, I was about to collapse but Amina caught me.

"A-Amina..." "my lady," she smiled. "I'm so sorry, I had to—" she cut me off and hugged me "it's okay, I believe you. Besides that slap didn't hurt" I hugged her back. Raphael glared at William, "I didn't hurt her wrist!" I looked at Raphael.

Raphael noticed but looked away.

"What's going to happen?" "They're going to go after the Lavgine family once their guard is down. If they find something in the house—" I cut William off "they will." "Well, when they do. Depending on the evidence, they'll get executed."

Amina rubbed my back "did they really do so much to you?" I looked away from her and nodded "so you weren't born mean?" I glared at William. "Just asking," he smiled.

Raphael grabbed my hand and pulled me away. Amina and William looked at each other clueless.

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