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Chapter Twenty Two

"Hey, William. Why don't you choose a horse for me?" I smiled "Lady Helena, we don't choose them. They choose you."

Not that wise shit...

"I... I'm not really good with horses" I looked at him nervously "I know they're big and look intimidating. But they're very friendly" he patted one of them. William grabbed my hand, I tried pulling it away.

"Calm down, my lady. They'll sense your fear" I relaxed and let him set my hand on the horse... it shook its head, I jumped away. "I-I can't!" William smiled "it's okay.. try it again. If not, I'll pick someone else.."

I do feel bad for giving up easily.

I slowly set my hand down, the horse looked at me and rubbed it's head against my palm, I slowly smiled.

"I think he likes you!" William chuckled "I believe so!!" I smiled. William helped me get up on my horse, and he got on his. I remembered my lessons from my past life and followed William.

"You look amazing, my lady!" Amina smiled.

I wanna punch her out of cuteness!

"Good luck, Will" I smiled, William flinched and soon smiled. They banged a bell, alerting that the first round has finally begun.

They had a purple magic orb to show what was going on between the riders.

I looked around, and spotted Raphael.

Did Amina go first!? Well... that's good, I felt like she would've let me win.

"What's your game, Helena?" Raphael walked up to me on his horse "my game, your highness?" I kept eye contact away from him. "You wouldn't have came, especially join the event" I sighed.

"I found it thrilling, that's all your highness. Nothing more.."

And to see you and Amina be together!!

"Helena, these events might be games to people like you. But for people like Will, who fought to get their titles, it's not. You do know if William gets lowers than second place, he's ripped off head of the knights."

I flinched and looked at Raphael.

"Not all fun, huh?" Raphael left me.

I need to get second or more, but... what about Amina and Raphael, ughh!!! Whatever we get, it's whatever just needs to be second place!

William got first place and Amina got fourth.

They returned. Amina got down of her horse, "I'm sorry your highness" she apologized "don't worry about it. You still got us passed the first round" William came to me.

"Good job!" I laughed and gave him a high five, "what was that..?"


"It's called... a high five. It's a positive hand gesture" I smiled, we high fived each other again.

William helped me get up. "You got this, Helena" I nodded firmly, he passed me a brown bag, I put it over my head, and it hung over my shoulder.

"You are now Helena De Blanchet, you are the best of the best."

This is some good motivation.

William slapped the horse's bottom and it neighed and ran off.

Soo... fast!!!

We rode into the woods.

Blue, red and yellow gems!!

I saw a horse and a rider but it was shot down by a trap.

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