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Chapter Sixty Eight

I was in the library with Amina and two knights guarding outside. I was collecting books.

"I'm sorry, my lady. But what type of books did you need?" "Mythical books, anything that's about mythical creatures" I replied to her "for...?" She asked.

It's best if I study creatures so I know what I might be getting myself into.

"Ah, just bored" I smiled at her, she nodded and helped me. We've found a decent amount of books and checked them out.

A maid walked up to me, "my lady, there is someone in the garden picnic table waiting for you" I looked at Amina confused. We handed the maid our books.

"Did I have a guest coming in today?" I asked Amina while walking to the back, she nodded no. "You were suppose to be free the whole day" we stepped outside, I didn't see anyone.

"Is that her my lady?" She pointed, I couldn't get a good look of her since she was sipping her tea, I walked closer and Amina followed from behind.

My eyes widened.

Not her...

She looked up from her tea cup and smiled at me.

"Lady Helena."

What is she doing her??

Diana Grandster.

A high Duke's daughter, let's just say her and Helena also didn't meet eye to eye. Diana was an ex belonging to Raphael but they ended because the relationship became "a waste of time" to Raphael.

The original Helena was ugly in the inside and everybody saw that but when it came to Diana she was cruel in the inside but acted innocent and polite. Which always pissed Helena off. Plus also dating Raphael.

Diana only hated Helena because she was engaged to Raphael but the only thing that kept her sane was that Raphael never returned her feelings.

When it came between Diana and Amina, Amina would always kill her with kindness, and Diana ended up just losing her (obviously!) but Diana was also disliked by Amina.

"What a pleasant surprise, what're you doing here?" I smiled at her "well, when I heard that lady Helena has changed, I needed to see that for myself" she smiled and stood up. We kept eye contact each other.

"It's not like it happens to everyone... to be wicked and then wake up just to be nice" Diana
tilted her head. There was an ice cold atmosphere, "so how's Raph?" Diana spoke up.

"Fine," I kept it short and simple. "If that's all you needed, I'm sure you know where the front—" she cut me off "I want to see him" I flinched.

Amina was startled by her words. Amina noticed I was clenching my hands.

"For?" I asked "I know him and I are exs. But you should know, we were close" I glanced at Amina "a-ah, well lady Diana, your highness is busy" Diana giggled. "Doesn't have time for his wife?" She smirked at me. I looked at Amina.

"Get someone to call him" I sat down and so did Diana "yes, my lady."

Raphael was signing papers, someone walked in. "Your highness, the lady would like to see you back home" "right now?" "The lady in waiting said someone is trying to see you" Raphael has a confused expression.

"So what, lady Helena?" I took a sip of my tea that I was given "what's with all the dumb act? Trying to win Raph—" I cut her off "I appreciate if you didn't call my husband by his name" I looked up at her from my cup.

Diana rolled her eyes, "well then, what's your whole point in this act. What're you trying to gain?" "I'm not sure what you're talking about, I'm just doing me lady Diana" I replied calmly.

She's calm... why hasn't she reacted like some child?

"Helena," we saw Raphael coming, I noticed Diana's eyes grew. Raphael noticed Diana "Diana?" He was confused why she was here, she got up immediately and hugged him. I flinched.

"Raph! I missed you!" He looked at me, I gave him a deadly look "what're you doing here?" Diana stepped back. "To come see you~" "my father, went to go see the emperor" I started getting up.

"To rearrange your marriage."

My heart fell to my feet, Raphael flinched.

"I'm sorry?" They looked at me "to rearrange his marriage?" My tone started getting aggressive "don't take it personal, Lady Helena. But everyone knows you don't... really know anything" "and I think... the emperor is considering it actually."

Diana smiled at Raphael. I walked away angrily.

I do not blame the original Helena for hating her!!!

"Helena!" Raphael chased after me up stairs we walked into my bedroom. "Don't believe her ," he grabbed my arm I snatched it away "don't believe her?? While we're here, your father is reconsidering everything!"

"Why does everyone think I know nothing?" "I know very much" "I know you—" I cut him "no you don't! I'm stressed, everyone is out to get me—" Raphael cuffed my face and kissed me.

"Everyone?" He said, I blushed lightly. I looked away upset "to them you're a god" I sat down on my bed "to them, I'm a trouble making monster" Raphael walked up to me.

Raphael crouched down to my level, I sighed "I'm overthinking now, huh?" "Helena—" "haha, I don't know. I feel tired right now, you should go and finish your stuff" I smiled.

"Hel—" "just please go... let Amina know I'll be napping" Raphael got up and looked at me once more before leaving. I slipped my flats off and lied down.

Diana was over hearing and she smiled evilly. "What're you doing lady Diana?" Amina walked up to her "ah, looking for the restroom" Amina pointed at the other door "thank you," Diana walked away, Amina observed her.

Raphael walked into the officer, "Raphael, you cannot just walk in—" "what nonsense are you speaking about to the Granster family!?" Raphael yelled, the people outside got frightened by it.

The emperor sighed, "I loved Helena, but now that her family has done bad and so has she. It doesn't look good on the royalty family, and she also hasn't done anything for the empire, Raphael" Raphael scoffed.

"The whole point of my marriage was so we had the heir for Rarukya! And Helena hasn't done anything bad, and she has helped in her own way!" Raphael slammed his hand on the desk.

"What is the problem, Raphael!? It's Diana Grandster, you—" "used to! I used to love her! But I don't now! My soul and heart belongs to Helena!" The emperor stared at him.

"Since when did you think with your emotions?" the emperor "think logistical, Raphael. What do you think is best for the empire? Your mother would want you to do what's best for—" "me."

"She would want me to do what's best for me, and that's Helena" Raphael glared at him "I'm the emperor, you're just a prince. I decide" the emperor glared back. Raphael clenched his hands and stormed out.

I finished having my nap and I was having tea by myself. "Don't be hard on yourself my lady. There is nothing wrong with you"I scoffed "yet the whole empire thinks differently" I pouted, Amina rubbed my back, I looked at her and lightly smiled.

"What would happen if the emperor does choose that, that bitch!?" Amina was startled by my words but smiled. "Then this whole empire will crumble. Cause of her, and because your highness will be sooo depressed!" I giggled.

Amina walked away.

I just can't react the way she wants me to, or that'll give her an advantage to show the empire how "bad" I am or something.

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