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Chapter Sixty Nine

I was having tea party with Lady Herenia, Emily and obviously lady Diana.

"I really love the flowers here, Lady Helena!" Lady Emily complimented "they're taken care so well here and they bloom so beautifully!" I smiled. "You see the pile of spider lilies over there"I pointed.

"Raphael always buys me a whole bunch every week—" I heard a laugh, we all looked at lady Diana. "I'm sorry. I was just remembering the time how your highness would always bring me flowers, but each day."

This girl.

Lady Emily cringed at Diana, "but anyways~! I heard that your husband will be going on a top mission. Has he told you?"

I'm sure I shouldn't be telling them he's going to kill someone..

"Mm, he hasn't told me anything recently. But I'm sure it's for my safety and the rules" I grabbed a cookie and bit it "ahh!! I mean every husband should protect their wife. But something about between you two, right lady Herenia?"

She nodded, "yes. I see so much chemistry between the two" lady Diana clenched her teeth "yes so much~" Diana innocently smiled at me.

I want to stab her face.

"So where is your highness now?" "Mm I'm sure training in the moment. He likes to stay fit" "ah! By the way, are we expecting a small one?" I flinched, Diana stared at me.

"Ah... well, I think we'll soon start trying for one now" I smiled "oh that's wonderful! Has your highness chose any names?" I nodded no "it's still very early. But it's also because he gets a little shy with it."

"That's so adorable. Makes me calm to know that your highness is very soft with you" I nodded. Emily reached for some tea but dropped it, I gasped.

"Lady Emily, are you alright!?" "Yes! It's not too hot, very warm though!" "Let's go help you clean it" Amina said, the three of them left. "Will you stop staring?" I said out of nowhere.

"A mini?" Diana scoffed "I won't let you—" "I do not remember asking for your permission" I glared at her "Raphael—" "enough with the first name base. He is your Prince, he is your future emperor, you name him properly" I demanded.

"... your highness won't ever start a family with someone like you" I got up "I won't argue with you and be disrespected by you in my own home. Please leave, you're not welcomed here anymore Lady Diana" I started walking away.

"Can't you see, he's tired of you" I stopped at my tracks and turned around "excuse me?" "You bring shame, you cause a lot of trouble. Your highness hates all of that stuff" she crossed her arms.

"At some point he's just going to throw you away, so might as well just step down from his wife" "make it easer for all of us" I walked towards her. "What is going through your head while your spitting this nonsense?" I glared at her.

"I'm just saying the truth, lady Helena. He's probably already tired of it and waiting for the chance to leave your a—"


"Don't you dare speak to me like that. Get the hell out of my face" her cheek was burning red "you shouldn't have done that" she grinned, she started to cry. The ladies came back out.

"Lady Diana, what's wrong?" Emily asked "she-she hit me!" She pointed at me, they flinched I stood there. "How could you slap me, I was only giving you advice!" She held her cheek, she ran over to Herenia and Emily.

"Did you guys not hear how she was speaking..." I noticed their faces, even Amina's face. I sighed "don't look at me like that..." "we would like an explanation, lady Helena" lady Herenia stated.

"I slapped her for a good cause!" "I know lady Diana can be a little too much, but she has no bad intentions" I clenched my hands. "Get out, all of you" I demanded, they all walked away.

"My lady—" "you don't believe me either, huh?" "It's not that. It's just that I haven't seen for myself where even an ounce lady Diana has targeted you" "are you serious? While having tea she was rubbing in about the flower stuff!" I yelled.

"Lady Diana isn't like that though. She's known for her good things, my lady! Please!" There was silence between us "I expected you to believe me" my eyes saddened and I walked away, Amina was upset.

Raphael was having dinner, "where Helena, Amina?" "She won't be coming down" Raphael already knew something was up.

Raphael knocked on my door, I opened it. "What, came to tell me how much you don't believe me because lady Diana is the most innocent of them all?" I said sassy, and walked away from my door.

"No? What happened during the tea party, Helena?" I stayed quiet "no point in telling you if you don't believe me" "Helena—" "so what's the new update about your new wife?" Raphael glared at me.

"She isn't going to become my wife, Helena" "but do not change the topic. What happened between you and lady Diana?" Raphael asked once again "I slapped her" Raphael flinched "yeah, I slapped her cause she was annoying the hell out of me" I looked straight at him.

"If that's all you wanted to speak about, you can leave" I grabbed my comb and started brushing my hair, Raphael left my room.

I can't have Diana win. I already slapped her, I'll just have to win her on my own terms.

My grip on the brush tightened.

It was a bright new day Raphael, lady Diana, her father and the emperor were all in the office.

"So are we here cause we all agree that I'm the best choice for the empire and your highness?" Lady Diana blushed. "We're still waiting for Helena" Raphael pointed out "she's already late" Duke Grandster, "if she's not here to defend her position. Then let's continue—"


The doors slammed opened, "I'm so sorry for coming late~" I walked to my seat, I wore a long black dress, my hair was up, and I took a seat with them, Diana's teeth clenched together.

"I was having difficulties back at home" "so... you want to take my position? The seat for empress?" I smiled "yes," she crossed her arms. "But we all finally agreed it's for the best—" I cut her off.

"But the papers haven't been signed" "your majesty and your highness were just about to—" "but they haven't heard my side yet" she stayed silent this time.

I looked at the emperor, "greeting, your majesty~" I took out files from my bag "how do we actually know you're the best fit for the empire?" "What do you mean, I'm smart—" "and so am I."

"You do know I've helped the village in many ways, Lady Diana. I've helped them to gain crops even more faster and enough for them and us, I also gave the children a bright future, I have helped the empire with the barrier" I listed, she flinched.

"But you know there's one thing on my mind" "which is?" "The ships" "the ships..?" Your majesty questioned, I looked at him and nodded.

"I've recently noticed our goods haven't been arriving to our other domains because our ships have been weakened... and that's not good for us. We're losing goods cause of that" I passed the papers to Diana.

"So by this... I want to challenge you for the seat of future empress" "whoever can help the empire with the best material for the ships to get to their destinations better, is obviously is more fit for the seat" I smiled at her innocently

Lady Diana smirked.

This girl knows nothing! She doesn't know that the Granster family is the best at ships!'

"Alright," lady Diana accepted it, we all looked at your majesty. "I don't see any harm in it" he said "I'll see you then," I got up and left. Raphael went after me.

"Didn't know you were going to fight for the seat?" I stopped in my tracks and turned around "well I do have Lavgine blood in me" I smiled at him and walked up to him "I'll prove them wrong, Raphael. I'll show them that I am not a good for nothing" I said determined.

"Just you wait and see" I walked away, Raphael smiled a little, knowing I can do it.

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