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Chapter Twenty Nine

I was going through my notes that I've taken about Windsor. Amina came in with my afternoon tea, she set it down on the table.

"My lady, are you not worried for your highness?" "Who?" "Oh, the crown Prince. He's fine" I said, looking back at my papers, Amina was worried.

"Ah, yes for you my lady" she handed me a letter, I opened it "an invitation to a party of Emily's?" I questioned. "She must've liked you since the tea party" Amina smiled.

I'm quiet busy with Windsor things. But, If I don't go...

"Alright, when is it?" "Tomorrow, my lady" I handed her the letter "alright" Amina walked out. "Windsor, his lover's name is Penelope" I took a seat and rubbed my head from stress.

"Will she even help me if I even get to speak to her?" I groaned. "No, I can't stop now, I have to survive this and find a way back home, it's possible to go back to my family" I said determined.

The next day, I was getting dressed, Olivia walked up to Amina in a different room to discus some things with her.

"Is it too tight, my lady?" "No, it's alright" they tightened it more, I squealed.

Too tight!

"Where is Amina?" I asked "she's busy, she said she'll meet you at the party" "ah, alright" I nodded understanding. "By the way, has anyone heard from the crown Prince?" I asked the maids, they stayed quiet.

Where is he? It's been half a month already, he seriously has some daddy issues.

It was getting darker and darker. And Raphael was still no where to be seen but me being me, I kept going with my life.

I walked into the party, some eyes were looking at me. "Wonder where the highness is at?" "Probably ran away from her" they were gossiping like always.

Someone bumped into me and I bumped into someone else. "Oh my bad" I looked at who I apologized, my eyes widened "A-Amina?" She was wearing the same dress as I was.

"Amina, why are you wearing that?" I asked confused "I-I didn't know you were going to wear a exact dress like mine!" "It's alright!" I smiled "Olivia offered it to me" I bit my lip.

Of course Olivia.. knowing my reputation, people are going to...

"Obviously Helena would copy Amina out of jealousy?" "Don't blame her, Amina has style" "can't believe that, does she have no pride?"

... start talking.

Now I look like a copy cat trying to seek attention on someone's birthday.

"Lady Helena, you made it!" Emily smiled and ran to me "Emily, happy birthday!" I handed her a gift, "a gift? You didn't have to!" She noticed the copying of the dresses.

"It was an accident from the both of us" I smiled awkwardly "it happens," she smiled. "Thank you, both of you, for being able to come" "I'll go get some drinks for you, my lady" Amina walked away.

"Do you not have any pride in yourself, making you family look bad" I turned around, Selina and Veronica, I bit my tongue.

Not them again.

"Copying a lady in waiting, not sure what's worse" they both laughed at me. "Please don't be rude to my guest, you two" Emily defended me "the dress is quiet beautiful doesn't matter who's wearing it. And it was an accident" Emily added.

"So please, mind your business. And by the way you both have stains in your teeth" they gave each other a look and walked away. "Thank you for that, lady Emily. It's been exhausting being talked about. When it should be you" I smiled softly.

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