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Chapter Sixty Three

Raphael sighed heavily, "what's with you?" William asked walking into his office. "Nothing," "finally told lady Helena about the monsters?" Raphael didn't respond.

"I'm guessing you did" Raphael looked up at him "your parents love each other right?" "What?" William was confused he was asking him that. "Yes or no?" "I mean they get on each others nerves but yeah" "how?"

"How... what?" "How do they love each other?" "I'm not going to lie, I'm so confused, Raph" he crossed his arms. "Like... even when they're in each others bad side, how do they show they're still in love or something?"

"Are you asking me how they show affection?" He nodded once "I'm not surprised, that someone like you doesn't know. Does this have something to do with lady Helena?" "Doesn't matter" William rolled his eyes.

"Well, I mean gifts, quality time I guess. Nice gestures in general" "like...?" "Well, my father likes bringing roses every time from work because he knows my mother loves roses" he explained.

Raphael got up and immediately left the main palace grounds and went to the household.

"Amina, where's Helena?" "Ah, the lady is in the garden. She wanted to water the plants" Raphael walked pass her and went straight to the garden.

It's a nice day today, I hope everything goes well.. time is going fast though, the full moon is coming any day.

"Helena," I jumped and turned around, "your highness?" I got up from the grass. "This is unusual. You're usually away for such a long time when you're at the empire. Has something happened?" I asked, Raphael looked at my ruby eyes.

What's with him?

"Are you alright?" I asked in a worried tone "let's go out today" I flinched.

Did I hear that right?

"I'm sorry?" "Let's go out today. Spend... time together" he avoided eye contact "quality time? But aren't you busy—" "I can manage" "what's with all of this all of a sudden?" "Just thought it would look good for our image; to go out. Like a regular married couple" he grabbed my hand.

I blushed lightly.

He is right..

"Should've at least given me time to get dressed" "I don't care" he escorted me out, "have fun, your highnesses" Amina smiled and we went walking.

"Where shall we go?" I smiled "where do you want to go?" He asked "mmm, let's go see the village again!" He nodded; we went towards the head gates.

"Your highness, my lady" the guards bowed their heads and opened the gates for us. We were walking on the trail to the village.

We chatted for awhile and we finally arrived to the village, it was bright and somewhat crowded.

My stomach growled, I smiled at Raphael nervously. We stopped at a eating place.

"Isn't that the crown Prince and his wife?" They talked about us "that is," a women replied. I felt awkward.

I haven't felt this awkward since my last life back when I tripped during my graduation.

"What's wrong?" Raphael asked "is there any other place we can eat... with less people?" I whispered. "Do their stares disturb you?" "I mean, will they watch us while we eat?" I asked, Raphael looked at them, they looked away immediately.

"Don't think so," "okay," I smiled, they served us their #1 famous ness (ifykyk ;)) soup.

"This tastes great!" I exclaimed "have you never ate at the village?" I nodded no "I'm usually here for business or when I do eat Sister Anne, cooks" I replied. After we finished eating, we left.

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