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Chapter Thirty

I was having dinner with Raphael quietly. "You'll be going home for a few days" I was taken back by his words.

"I'm sorry what?" I asked hoping I misheard. "You'll be going back to the Lavigne household for awhile, Helena. I'll be away for a few days for business" "n-no, my family is busy..." I said making an excuse.

"I've sent a letter to the Duke, he said it's fine" "why didn't you let me know before?" I asked, trying to hide the freaking out tone. Raphael looked at me with no facial expression.

"Don't you miss your family Helena?" I bit my lip "o-of course I do! But I'm busy as well! I have things—" Raphael cut me off. "It can wait" he said taking a sip of his wine.

"What about Amina?" I asked "she'll be here preparing some stuff. She can't go with—" I cut him off. "She's my lady in waiting, she has to go!" I complained "I need her by my side" Raphael sighed.

"You have maids and everything there. Amina is busy here" Raphael replied calmly, "when will U be leaving?" I asked "tonight," I flinched.

That fast...

I got up and stormed up the stairs. He heard the door slam from down stairs, Raphael ignored me and continued to eat.

"How can I go when they're going to abuse me?" I mumbled under my breath "but I can't run away. It'll mess everything up, and cause trouble and it'll bring suspicion" I sighed.

I guess I'm a have to go with it...

Some butlers put my luggages in my carriage and a knight helped me up in the carriage. Raphael wasn't there to say goodbye, but Amina was and that was enough for me!

"I'll be here waiting for you my lady!" Amina waved, I smiled lightly but when the carriage started to leave, my smile disappeared.

There was one and only reason why the Lavgine household was kept away from the empire but was still considered to be a part of it.

It was because of its atmosphere and environment around it. Rose Thorns stated that everyone was already intimidated by the Lavgine family because of their status and power. They were considered the demons of the empire, while the Blanchet family was consider the angels.

The author didn't really talk much about the background of Helena, only her actions and how she was always a spoilt brat. So I'll have to figure that out myself.

I arrived at the household. I stepped out of the carriage, I got shivers from the place. The doors were opened wide by the Duke, he grinned at me.

"F... father" I fake smiled at him and walked up the stairs to him, when I reached him, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer. "My beautiful daughter," his hand was hurting me but I kept the pain hidden.

We walked into the palace, my family stood there waiting for me. They didn't have any positive feelings towards me welcome back.

"Mother, brothers" I greeted them, they didn't say anything in return but looked down at me. "I'll be going to my room then," I grabbed my luggages and went to my room. A maid walked in.

"Dinner will be severed in an hour, my lady" and walked out, I took out my dresses and put them in the closet, I looked outside, nothing wasn't really pleasant looking. I sighed and rubbed my arm and walked around.

I was reading my book, after an hour a maid walked in.

Is there no privacy??

"Yes?" I looked at her "dinner is served," I got up and walked down to the dining room with the maid and took a seat. They were quiet, it was cake.

Looks delicious.

I grabbed my spoon and opened it, I dropped my spoon. "What's wrong honey?" Christina looked at me mischievously, "t-there's nuts in here. I'm allergic to nuts" I looked at them worriedly, she gasped.

"Take it away immediately!" Christina demanded at the maids but then looked at me "we wouldn't want our baby to die" she said in a evil tone. My eyes widened, "are you trying to kill me?" Louis grabbed me and slammed me into the table, I winced.

"Don't speak to mother like that, you filthy women!" He insulted me, I looked at the Duke, he was eating peacefully. "Father!" I choked out "they're just punishing you for your bad manners, Helena" he replied not caring.

"My bad manners!?" I questioned "let her go, Louis" he did what he was told. "Do you have information on the Blanchet?" "N-no," I nodded no. "Then, you deserve what you get while you're staying here" the Duke smiled at me innocently.

"I'm your daughter, I also, was a Lavgine!" I yelled at them, they all looked at me with disgust in their eyes. I was terrified, and clenched my hands.

"Make sure she doesn't drink or eat. Not even a drop of it" Christina demanded and crossed her arms, "take her to her room!" George yelled, they grabbed me and dragged me to my room.

They threw me right into my room and closes the door on me. I tried opening it but it was locked, I ran to my window and attempted to open it, but it was also locked.

They locked me in here!

"Let me out!" I banged on my door over and over. "That foolish girl never learns. All she has to do is get us information" Christina told the Duke, "I know my love. But..." the Duke started kissing his wife's neck, she moaned softly

She started giggling, "ooo, Leo~." I sighed and sat in my dark room, I didn't even wanna turn my lights on.

They can't have me in here forever. I have my bathroom, I'll drink from the sink if I have to.

I fell asleep on my bed.

After some time passed, I was slowly waking up to some movement. "Mmm," I slowly woke up, I found George between my legs, I gasped.

"What're you doing!?" I shouted, he still had his clothes on but he kept humping me "what? Just trying to spend some time with my little sister?" He smiled "s-stop it, George!" I demanded. I noticed someone was also here.

It was Louis, he was looking through my things. "Stop him, Louis!" "Is my little sister, someone below me, demanding me?" He chuckled and ignored me. George pinned my wrists.

George licked my neck, I shivered. "Did you like it?" "Like what!?" "When you spent the night with the crown Prince, did you like it a lot?" My eyes widened, "idiot! That's none of your business! Now let me go! I'll tell mother and father!" They both laughed.

George let me go but unbuckled his pants, and he took out his dick.


"Is it bigger than mine?" George opened my legs. "George," George looked at Louis "put that shit away. Don't be some weirdo" George sighed and put it away and got up from the bed.

I started crying, they laughed at me. "Get away from me!!!" I screamed on top of my lungs, they stayed quiet and glared at me evilly, "mother and father told us to punish you!" They grabbed my wrists and pulled me off my bed.

"Let go, assholes! Let fucking go!!"

Is this really happening? This cannot be happening!

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