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Chapter Five

"My lady, please wake up."

Honestly, every time I wake up. I'm still not use to waking up to some fantasy novel that I read.

I woke up and sat up. Amina walked in, "rise and shine, my lady. How'd you sleep?" "Well," I replied and rubbed my eyes, Amina walked over to me.

"Ready?" "For..?" The maids and Amina were quiet in shock "the emperor will be hosing a small festival for the nobles" I gasped.

Ch-Chapter 6! The emperor hosts a party for the 66th anniversary for the empire... this is where Amina gets kidnapped and Raphael saves her!

I was giggling.

Watching my favorite leads fall in love is so exciting from the sidelines!

"My lady, are you alright?" She questioned after watching me giggle "o-oh, yes I am" I smiled, Amina helped me out of bed. Amina walked me to the bathroom, "my lady, I wanted to let you know.. some maids are talking."

I flinched, "what do you mean?" "On my way here, I've heard a conversation between some maids. You're acting innocent and small to get the Crown Prince's attention? That your being a victimizing, guilt-tripping princess."


"I see," I replied seeming unbothered "what will you do?" "Hm, nothing. Let them talk, everyone knows I can take everything away from them, I'm that powerful" I looked down at Amina while she was polishing my nails.

Amina got shivers from gaze.

Amina finished painting my toenails, "would you like me to get your bath ready, my lady?" "No, not yet. I'll be right back, stay here" "ah, let me get some knights to escort you" Amina offered, "n-no" I denied.

"It's fine. Leave it, it'll be quick" I left my bedroom quickly, and went to go look for my father.

"And what're you doing?" I looked back, it was my new mother, "oh, m.. mother" "aren't you suppose to be preparing yourself?" She asked "yes, but I'm looking for father" I replied. "What do you need from the Duke?"

She acts like he isn't my dad. I mean he isn't, but Helena's dad.

"Business," she glared at me "business, you?" She chuckled, and flicked my forehead "you stupid little girl, know nothing of business" I flinched.

Is she really insulting Helena, for what?

Mother looked down at me, "go back to your room and get ready. It's already embarrassing to have a illed daughter, I don't wanna be seen with a illed dresser too" she walked pass me. I stood there in silence.

What just happened...? What just happened!?

I started walking to my room again until I saw George.

"Hello, older brother" I smiled and waved at him, he looked at me sickly. I smile dropped, "don't you have anything better to do, little sister?" He crossed his arms "uhm, no? Only getting prepared for the afternoon party" I replied.

George walked closer to me to the point I had to look up. "You're really annoying and nuisance around here, do you know that?" I sighed. "I understand that the way I've acted before was horrible and not excusable..." I grabbed his arm.

"But I've changed" I smiled "brother, give me a chance to gain your trust" George snatched his arm back, "don't you dare touch me with your filthy hands!" My eyes widened.

The Villainess Proves Everyone WrongTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon