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Chapter Thirty Eight

My eyes widened.


"Helena!" He shoved me out of the way, I was wrapped around by big, warm, safe arms. I opened my eyes, Raphael was on top of me, he had worry in his eyes.

"Y-your highness..." we both sat up, I looked at his wound, I gasped. "Are you alright?" My eyes had worry in them "what're you doing out here!?" He shouted at me, "I came looking for you!" I pushed him "you... did?" His eyes slowly softened.

"Yes! I was worried! The wind was so crazy and you weren't back! So I had to come find you!" I yelled at him, he stared at me. "Can we Please go home!?" He nodded and helped me up, the wind was going wild.

We hurriedly went back to our place. We were breathing heavily, Raphael sat on the bed drained and catching his breath. I took out a first aid kit and walked to him, I started undressing him.

"I don't need—" I cut him off "stop being such a stubborn dick head!"I demanded "you're hurt, badly! That's inside you, so let me help you!" I yelled at him loudly. Raphael was hesitating and looked down at my hands, and looked back at me.

"Please, before it gets infected..." Raphael put his arms down, I continued to undress him, I stuffed a cloth in his mouth, he looked at me confused. "You're gonna need it" and I pulled it out, he bit the cloth aggressively.

After some time, I finally was able to bandage it, "there. You'll be okay for now, but once we get back to the empire, see the doctor" I instructed. "Helena," "yes?" "Your head," he pointed at it.

"Oh.. I hurt myself with a rock. But I'm okay" Raphael stayed quiet, "right now?" He nodded, I sighed, I started treating my head. I smacked a big band aid on it.

I heard something come from Raphael and I looked at him. He was serious "did you just...? Never mind" I looked at it him and I heard it again.

"Are you laughing at me!?" I shouted at him "me, laughing? Since when were you a jester?" My eyebrows furrowed "I can hear you snickering!" I argued with him. "Don't know what you're talking about" Raphael acted dumb, he lied down and turned around.

"Don't turn your back at me!" I didn't get a response, I scoffed. "Whatever, fucking ugh!" I walked to the bathroom, Raphael sat up and looked down at my horrible bandage wrapping.

He touched it lightly and winced. He smiled.

She went to go look for me. Cause she was worried about me...

Raphael smiled at the bathroom door, he started feeling an unfamiliar feeling, he put his hand over his heart. He felt it, he felt his heart racing.

I came out of the bathroom and Raphael was sound asleep. I went around the bed and snuggled into the blankets.

I sighed.

Why does everything have to happen to me?

I pouted, and I glanced at Raphael. I smiled.

Even though you can be dick, and you get on my nerves since I've been here. I know you can be good.

I fell right asleep.


Raphael and I woke up immediately, but we woke in each others arms. "Gah!!" I yelled and kicked him off the bed, "rise and shine!" The emperor walked in, he found Raphael shirtless on the floor and me in the bed holding the blanket up.

"F-father!" I was embarrassed "I didn't think you two were... goodbye!" He walked out and slammed the door, Raphael and I looked at each other and became flustered.

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