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Chapter Forty Two

Three days have passed since the incident and the chaotic ness was still there but it had calmed down.

With Olivia, she didn't make it out alive, unfortunately. How much I should be happy that I don't have a spy on me anymore, it made me look even worse.

I was in my room and Amina walked in. "Dinner for you, lady Helena" she set the tray of food down in front of me, I looked at Amina from the window.

"Take it away, I'm not hungry" I said and looked back outside "m-my lady, you've been eating less, you need—" I struck her with with my eyes, "I said take it away." Amina's eyes dropped and she took away the food.

Amina ran into Raphael, "why is that coming back untouched?" He asked "lady Helena isn't hungry in the moment, your highness. She said she will eat later" Amina lied. Raphael looked at the food and walked pass her.

Olivia is dead now.. everywhere I go, everyone talks about me and looks at me with disgust and hatred.

I sighed heavily.

I have no where to go but this room.

There was a knock at my door, I got up and opened it. It was two knights, "lady Helena, the emperor would like to see you" they informed me "when?" I asked "today in the afternoon, lady Helena" "thanks," I shut the door in their face.

Before I could even sit down there was another knock at my door, I took a deep breath and let it out from annoyance. I opened my door, it was sir William.

"William?" I was confused why he was here, he handed me a paper "this is..?" I asked "contact information of who can take you to Penelope's Windsor. Please don't go by yourself, Helena" William begged.

"I won't. If I do, all of you guys would think I'm up to no good" I glared at him "Helena, I do believe that you didn't kill Olivia, but right now—" I cut him. "I can honestly care less. Leave me the heck alone" I slammed the door.

William stood at the door.

Why did it feel like I was speaking to the old Helena? Jesus, even gave me goosebumps.

I put the paper in the file where I had the criminal record, and everything that I needed. I put it between my bed mattress.

Hours passed and I got ready to go see the emperors. "You sure you don't need me to go with you, my lady?" She brushed my hair "no, Amina. Stay here and keep an eye on everyone" I replied and got up.

"Do you want me to get you a carriage? I know you foot still hurts from—" I cut her off "I'll be fine, Amina. Let's just go" Amina walked me out of the palace. I walked to the main empire.

I was walking to the entrance and I saw William and another knight, his name was Edward.

"Can't believe they actually let that bitch Helena De Lavgine go" I flinched and hid in a bush "don't say that, Edward. And she's Helena De Blanchet, married to our future emperor" William defended me.

"What kind of emperor will he be!? Letting criminals go! Tch!" William pushed him "don't talk about the crown Prince like that or lady Helena!" William yelled at him.

"And so what!?" "Shut the hell up Edward! You'd be killed if anyone heard you say this bullshit!" Edward started chuckling, "personally me, if I was the crown prince, I wouldn't let her out. I would first rape her, and torture her..."

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