14: Cling

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"GiGi let him go! Baby let him go!" Miss Gwen yelled as she and Pastor Willis tried prying a sobbing Gwendolyn off of Akari. They'd returned less than a minute after Gwendolyn had discovered his body and she wouldn't release him so they could get him to the hospital. He wasn't moving and it didn't appear that he was breathing. In Gwendolyn's mind, he was dead already and she wouldn't allow anyone to take him away from her. Her snow-white robe was soaked in his blood. There was a significant amount of it smeared on the front door and the large puddle on the porch only made the scene even more gruesome.

"I can't!" Gwendolyn sobbed. "Big mama PLEASE! Don't take him away from me!"

"Baby you have to let us get him in the car. Just let him go. Please let him go." Miss Gwen pleaded. "Please GiGi. Baby let him go!"

"Gwendolyn come on." Pastor Willis said finally getting her off of him. He and Miss Gwen lifted Akari and carried him to Pastor Willis's car, placing him in the back seat.

As Pastor Willis started the car, Miss Gwen told him to go on and that she'd follow them. She wouldn't leave her front door unlocked and had run inside to get her house and car keys. Gwendolyn however had gotten in the backseat with Akari and rested his head in her lap as Pastor Willis pulled out of the driveway and raced to the hospital. She was so caught up in trying to put pressure on his wounds to slow down the bleeding that she hadn't noticed how the pastor kept eyeing her through the rearview mirror. Gwendolyn grew frustrated and cried harder because she didn't know exactly where the bleeding was coming from. Akari was drenched in his own blood and all she could do from here was cradle him in her arms.

"Please.." She cried, leaning down, pecking his forehead repeatedly. "I love you. I love you. I love you." She said each time she kissed him.

"Just hold on Akari. Hold on." Pastor Willis said. He was trying to stay calm in this situation but on the inside, he was losing his shit. Akari was his only child and he was worried sick that he'd be pronounced dead before he even made it onto the operating table.

The drive to the hospital seemed like a never-ending one but they'd made it with Miss Gwen right behind them. Pastor Willis moved at the speed of light as he got out of the car and raced inside the hospital for help.

"Please don't do this to me." Gwendolyn cried, rocking him back and forth in her arms. "I lost my mom. I lost my grandfather. I can't handle the death of someone else I love. Please."

Her door opened and her grandmother stood there with tears in her own eyes. Regret immediately swept over her because she'd left her home when this had happened. But what had actually happened?

Doctors and nurses came racing out of the hospital behind Pastor Willis as he led them to the car. Miss Gwen stepped out of the way and Gwendolyn finally got out of the car, watching as Akari was pulled from the backseat and placed on a stretcher before being rushed into the hospital with multiple people at his side. Pastor Willis wasn't far behind them but Gwendolyn? She'd dropped to her knees and started to sob in her bloody hands as her grandmother got on her knees and wrapped her arms around her, shedding tears of her own.

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