28: You're Always Welcome Here (Part 1)

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Meanwhile back at Gwendolyn's place...

Meanwhile back at Gwendolyn's place

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Gwendolyn Shafer
"Hey babe. I didn't really want anything. I know calling you back to back the way I just did is annoying but I just wanted to see how the party was going and if Akira was enjoying herself. We haven't talked since earlier this morning. I know you had a lot of running around to do today but..." I sighed before continuing my voicemail message. "I just miss you. Well, have a good time or at least try. I know you weren't thrilled about going but I'm proud of you for going through with it. Wow. That was really big of me to say considering it's your crazy ex-girlfriend's family. I deserve a reward don't you think?" I laughed nervously.

"I love you. Talk to you later." I hung up. I placed my phone to the side of me and glanced at the nightstand. Staring at the nightstand, I exhaled and shook my head at what I was seeing.

After about a minute I grabbed my phone and decided to call my grandmother but I stopped myself. Church services were over by now and I figured I'd just pop up at her house to surprise her. I was supposed to be taking her out to dinner tomorrow night but after seeing these tests I needed to see her now. To be calm on the outside but panicking on the inside without showing it had to be a skill I'd mastered over the last few months because I was known to panic and show it.

I got up from my bed and exited my bedroom, grabbing my car keys off the kitchen island counter. I made my way to my front door to leave but stopped when I noticed that I didn't have any shoes on. Damn was I losing my mind? I needed to slow down and take a deep breath.

"Breathe," I told myself as I closed my eyes and breathed in and out. After doing it twice again, I headed to my bedroom and put on my slides before finally leaving my apartment and heading off to my grandmother's place.

Within 20 minutes I found myself pulling into the driveway behind my grandmother's car. I still had a key to her house to come and go as I pleased so I got out of the car and headed toward the house to let myself inside. Upon walking inside, I announced my arrival since I didn't see her but her Sunday's Best music was playing. Whenever church was over she'd come home, put on her church music, and head up to shower so she could prepare to make Sunday dinner.

"Big Mama I'm here!" I yelled before shaking my head and smiling to myself.

Kicking my shoes off, I placed them by the door and headed to the couch to wait for her to come downstairs. As I took a seat I rested my head back and closed my eyes with a smile still on my face. Was it bad that I missed living with her? I missed our old routine when we'd sit here and watch her favorite TV shows. I hadn't been around lately and I could admit that was my fault. I was out on my own now trying to juggle not only life these days but love as well and both were a job. Big Mama was wrapped up in her relationship as well. So wrapped up that I didn't have the heart to tell her that I didn't like the man and that there was something off about him.

"Oh, Gwendolyn I didn't know you'd be joining us for dinner tonight. Your grandmother didn't mention it."

I quickly jumped up at the sound of Pastor Willis's voice.

"W-what are you doing here? Where's my grandmother?" I asked.

"I'm helping make dinner. Your grandmother and I always have Sunday dinner together. She's upstairs in the bathtub. She'll be down shortly. Have a seat." He told me.

"Nah, I'm good," I told him. "Tell my grandmother I'll be waiting outside in the car until she gets out of the tub."

"Oh come on now." He wiped his hand on the towel he'd been holding before throwing it over his shoulder. And did this muthafucka really have on my grandmother's apron as if he lived here? Did he live here? "Is that necessary? Gwendolyn and I talk all the time and she always says that no matter how grown you are this will always be your home and you're always welcome. I know you're used to it being just the two of you and now I'm like this third wheel but please have a seat. Don't sit in the car and make your grandmother think there's something wrong. It'll only upset her." He told me.

"Nah, I think I'll be more comfortable sitting in my car." I inched closer to the door. I leaned down and picked my slides up but I kept my eyes on him as I did so.

"Listen, if it'll make you feel better I'll go up and get her." He shook his head and headed for the stairs. I inched away from the door since it was close to the stairs and I didn't trust this sleazy-ass weirdo to get close to me. As I watched him go upstairs, I placed my hand on the doorknob and pulled the front door open in case I needed to run.

"I'll be right down sweet face!" The sound of my grandmother's voice relaxed me and I exhaled. Pastor Willis came downstairs and headed back into the kitchen without saying a word to me. I could tell that he was irritated that I'd made him go upstairs to prove a point but I didn't give a fuck. I put my shoes down and headed upstairs to go wait for her at the bathroom door. I didn't feel comfortable staying downstairs with Pastor Fuck Face. As I made it upstairs, the music downstairs grew louder as if he'd turned it up.

Standing outside the bathroom door, I knocked to speak to my grandmother. "Big Mama hurry up. I wanna talk to you about something."

There was no answer.

"Big Mama?" I called again. "Now you're gonna ignore me?" I laughed.


My smile faded.

"Grandma?" I arched a brow. I could see the light on underneath the door so I knocked before placing my hand on the knob and turning it. It was unlocked.

The creaking of the door as I slowly pushed it open made this shit creepier than it felt. I took a step back noticing that there was no one in the bathroom. My eyes widened and I turned around to leave only to bump into Pastor Willis.

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