"Why do you do this? You said you're checking on the town. But how so?" Rosalie wondered out loud as she grabbed her arm, and they continued walking.

"Well, the town still grows while I'm away. So I walk from my home at the center of town to the outer layers to ensure they didn't let some undesirable people into my town," Serafina explained.

"Back at the bar?" Rosalie asked.

"If no one helped, I would have," Serafina answered.

"That's it?" Rosalie didn't think it could be that easy.

"Just seeing me is enough. Usually, if not, I have my ways," Serafina smirked.

Rosalie just hummed in acknowledgment as they continued walking together. It was pretty late in the evening, but as the bar showed, people were still awake. They could hear movement inside most homes. If they slowed enough, they could listen to conversations. But Rosalie could tell Serafina wasn't interested in what they were saying or doing. It was almost as though she were looking for something specific. She wasn't sure what until Serafina stopped and turned her head to look toward their right.

They changed directions to head that way. Rosalie was momentarily confused until she heard the raised voices coming from a home in the middle of the block. More like one raised voice while another cried and pleaded for the first to stop. It wasn't loud enough for the neighbors to hear. It seemed to be more toward the back of the home. Rosalie became upset again and wanted to help. Serafina walked her across the street under a streetlamp. She kissed her on the cheek and asked her to wait. Serafina didn't feel right having Rosalie do her job.

Serafina walked up to the home in question and knocked three times dramatically. The noise inside stopped. But they only seemed confused, believing they had misheard things since it was too late for the company. Serafina knew they were disregarding it and knocked again. This finally got their attention. She heard grumbling from inside. The man was swearing under his breath at her visit.

"Who the hell is it?" he asked, roughly yanking the door open.

Serafina didn't cover herself at night like she did in the day. Only her eyes. She looked at the man, "Hello, I'd like to speak with the lady of the home." She smiled.

"It's the middle of the night. Wait until tomorrow," he scoffed as he attempted to slam the door in her face.

She easily stopped the door with her hand, "You don't understand. I want to speak with her right now. Get her for me." She said in a more demanding tone.

"Who the hell do you think you are? Move!" he said as he tried to slam it shut again.

Serafina exaggeratedly sighed, "It seems I have to show you your place." She said as she caught the door again but forcefully pushed it into the man so he was knocked backward as she let herself in.

"What the h-" the man was cut off as Serafina grabbed him by his throat and lifted him into the air. He struggled as she shoved him against the wall. She found his struggling annoying, so she allowed her eyes to glow as she removed the eye cover. The man stopped struggling as soon as he saw it.

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