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"Blythe?" The soft call of my name brought me back into the moment. I looked around at everyone. All eyes were on me as they waited in anticipation for my answer.

"What's your vote? Yes or no?" Bella prompted.

I was reminded of the fact that I needed to vote. Well, I didn't need to vote, Bella requested that everyone voted on her future as a vampire. She wanted to become immortal as soon as she could.

Our run-in with the Volturi set an invisible countdown. Bella wanted to make that time never ran out.

"I... it's whatever you want, Bella." I shrugged and leaned against Rosalie for comfort. Rosalie slipped her arm around my waist.

"So that's another yes." Alice chirped.

She more than likely voted already. I tuned out as soon as my sister asked us to vote. My mind started wandering about the fact that I was destined to become a vampire. I was destined to be with Rosalie forever.

That sounded perfect.

I couldn't have asked for anything better.

Yet something felt off.

"But that's not what you want. You have to vote for what you want." Edward spoke up.

He sounded angry at the fact that I wasn't saying how I truly felt. Likely he was angry at the fact that we had to vote at all. Still, I moved back a little, a bit frightened by him.

Speaking with the Volturi had put me on edge a bit.

"Edward," Rosalie said in a low growl. She pulled me closer to her and I placed my hand on the one resting on my stomach.

"Sorry." He muttered with a lowering of his eyes.

"I really shouldn't be making that decision. No matter what I vote Bella's getting turned. There are already more yeses than nos." I didn't know how many people had voted before me.

But I knew that the only ones saying no were Rose, Edward, and Emmett, for fear of upsetting Rose. No one else had a reason to object.

"So you would vote no?" Bella frowned.

"I don't know, Bella. I'd need more damn time." I said. This decision was hard enough to make for myself let alone someone else. I was getting frustrated at the fact that I was being asked to explain myself in the first place.

Rosalie kissed my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me a little more.

I could tell the subject matter was upsetting her a little too. There was a chance that after we discussed Bella, we'd have to talk about my fate as a vampire.

"What do you need time for?" Bella questioned.

I narrowed my eyes. "Bella, my opinion doesn't matter."

"Then just say it." Bella shrugged.

"I don't want you to become a vampire so soon," I said honestly.

"But you will." Bella pointed out. She was correct, I would be becoming a vampire as well... eventually.

"Once I'm older. Once I've lived a little more. I can be sure that becoming a vampire is what I want." Meeting the Volturi hadn't changed my plans on waiting until I was twenty-five. Unfortunately, I had an aching feeling that I wouldn't be able to wait that long.

"I'm sure. This is what I want." Bella said.

"No, Edward is what you want." I corrected her.

"There's nothing wrong with that." Bella crossed her arms, getting defensive.

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