In This Together

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I extended my fingers, examining all the new bruises that decorated them. Finally, the red liquid was no longer sticking to my skin. Yet the stains were still there. The red stains contrasted against the purple bruises.

No amount of scrubbing could get rid of either color.

I was stuck with them.

Stuck with the shame of what I did.

A drop of water splattered onto the middle of my palm. It was soon followed by a few more. Leading me to wonder where the hell it was coming from.

I lifted my head, looking straight ahead at the bathroom mirror in front of me. Tears streamed down my face, past my bruised cheeks.

I jumped at the sound of loud clapping.

"I told you, you'd win." Jimory placed his hand on my shoulder. It felt heavier than a weight. "Don't worry, these bruises will heal right up."

I looked back down at my hands. "Is she okay? I didn't mean to go that far."

The guilt was eating me alive. How many girls had I put in the hospital? Six? Seven now.

Why was I such a monster?

Jimory sighed and encouragingly patted my shoulder. "Let's worry about your recovery. I need you in tip-top shape for our next fight."

"I can't keep doing this." I gripped the edge of the sink. My hands were in a great deal of pain but I couldn't stop as I lurched forward and emptied my stomach.

I was thankful when I snapped out of my flashback. It wasn't often when I thought about my past or that part of my past, but when I did it was hard to snap out of it.

I looked around to find that I wasn't in my room. It took a few seconds for me to realize that I was in Leilani's room. Sinking into her comfortable bean bag chair, while she ranted about whatever she was talking about.

The last thing I remembered Leilani talking about was her suspension due to a fight she had at school. I guess it sent me into a spiral.

"Are you even listening to me?" Leilani asked. She was sprawled on her bed.

I was too confused to lie. "No, what are you talking about?" I sat up and adjusted my position.

"Nothing important to you, I guess," Leilani mumbled. She sat up and stretched.

I shrugged. "Go on. I'm listening now."

"I doubt it." Leilani snorted. She started playing with her hair like she was nervous. "Have you talked to Leah?"

"Not lately," Leah was declining my phone calls but I had no idea why. But I assumed she was going through something and needed space. "Have you?"

Leilani pouted. "No, not ever since she got her new bitch." She said bitterly.

I was very shocked and confused. "Leah has another girlfriend? I thought you two were..."

"No, we aren't. I... she started dating some other girl while dating me." It seemed like a touchy subject but I still had more questions.

"That's allowed, you have an open relationship, right?" I wondered. As someone who was in a strictly monogamous relationship, I had no idea how open relationships worked.

Leilani glared at me and crossed her arm. "Can I just vent to you without you interrupting?"

"My bad," I mumbled.

Leilani huffed. "I just feel so alone without Leah. We've known each other for years and now it feels like we are completely done. I don't have anyone other than her. She's all I had." Leilani looked at me at the end of her rant and stared silently.

"I thought I wasn't supposed to speak." I shrugged. I sighed, trying to think of what I could say to comfort her. "Leilani you aren't alone."

"Who do I have?" Leilani sniffled.

I pointed at myself. "You have me."

"You're always gone."

"Because I have school and I babysit my little sister from time to time." I reminded her. "But I will start spending more time with you. I need to practice my photography anyway."

"I am very photographic." Leilani smiled.

"I guess we'll see." I laughed. I stood up so I could give Leilani a hug. "We're in this together."


Hey Loves,

I published a new book called Forever Pure. It is finished and has only ten chapters. So if you would like to check it out, it would be appreciated. 

Don't forget to vote and comment. See you next chapter 😘.

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