Back in Phoenix

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"What the fuck?" I stared at my phone in disbelief while my sister explained the situation.

"Edward thinks the tracker is going to follow me around so my best option is to go back to Phoenix." Bella's voice sounded shaky, she was absolutely terrified.

"Have you already talked to Charlie?" I asked. I was scared of the answer.

Bella winced. "Yeah, I um... told him that I needed to leave immediately so I wouldn't be stuck here like Renee was."

I gasped. "Are you fucking serious?"

"I know what I said was hurtful. But I need to leave, I can't risk putting you or him in danger. Esme is guarding the house and making sure that nothing bad happens to him. I need you to stay with Rosalie and stay where you're safe." Bella said.

"I'll call Charlie to make sure he's okay." I sighed.

"Blythe be safe, I love you." Bella hung up.

I turned to Rosalie. "I need to get to Phoenix or wherever the hell my sister is. As soon as possible."

Rosalie crossed her arms and stood between me and the door. "You can't be serious about going to Phoenix."

"It's where I'll be the safest. Alice and Jasper can look over me while I look over my sister. She'll probably be able to slip past them." I said. "I will be fine, Rose."

Rosalie looked down at her feet. "If I speed fast enough we can catch up to them in time." There was anger in her voice but I ignored it.

Fortunately, Bella wasn't on a plane before we could reach her. Alice had already bought a plane ticket for me. But Rosalie had to help the others lead James away from where Bella was headed, so she left me in the hands of Alice and Jasper.

Everything was going perfectly fine.

Until Alice received a vision at the hotel.

Then suddenly my sister had disappeared, my mom was in danger, and the two vampires keeping me safe had left.

They had promised me that they would come back as soon as possible but I had a bad feeling about being left all alone. Still, I promised Alice that I would stay in the hotel room until they returned. Nothing bad happened while they were gone. 

Well, not for the first twenty minutes.

Being bored for twenty minutes had me yearning to call Rosalie. But I figured she was extremely busy so I didn't. Instead, I stared at my phone for a good three minutes.

"Well hello there." I was startled to find a very pale woman standing in a corner. "They left you all alone?"

"No." I automatically lied. I turned to run when she suddenly appeared in front of me.

"It's not smart to run from me. Nor is it smart to lie." She laughed. "So are you here all alone?"

"No," I repeated.

She caressed my cheek. "Stubborn... just how I like them. Too bad such precious blood will be wasted on making a statement."

"Wait." I tried to push her away but she wouldn't budge.


"You don't have to do this. I don't know why James wants my sister but I do know that she isn't worth all that trouble." I said.

"Why not?"

"My sister is just some silly little human. You can find thousands of clumsy brunette lookalikes on the street. What's the point in picking a fight with a whole coven over her?" I asked.

No Longer AloneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon