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I was jolted awake by the horrific screams of my sister. I was glad that Kayli had gotten picked up in the afternoon. Even though she was a quiet baby, Bella's screaming would have surely disturbed her had she stayed the night.

I groaned and rolled out of bed. I could barely manage to stagger out of my room. Charlie stood in the hallway with earmuffs and a cup of coffee. "Do you want me to check on her?"

"No, I got it." I sighed. I went into Bella's room to find her sobbing in her hands. "Bella, you can't keep doing this. It's waking everyone up."

Bella scooted over so that I could climb into her bed. "I'm sorry."

"What are you seeing?" I wrapped my arm around her and she snuggled into my arms.

Bella shrugged her shoulders. "I'm alone in the woods an-"

"You're not alone, Bella. I'm here with you. Charlie is here. We love you and we're not leaving." I promised her.

Still, her tears didn't stop flowing. "He left me there, Blythe. He told me to forget him and his family. But I can't."

I pulled the covers over us. "Get some sleep. Think about something positive."

"I'm sorry," Bella repeated.

"Think about the sun. Think about a blue sky." I told her. I hoped that if she had pleasant thoughts before going to bed, she'd have pleasant dreams.

"He was my blue sky." She murmured. I didn't have to respond because she fell asleep. I was comforted by the sound of a light snore.

I waited for a few minutes before rolling Bella onto her back and sneaking out of her room. Charlie still stood in the hallway holding a cup of coffee.

"I don't know what to do." He handed me the cup. After being woken up by Bella it was hard for me to fall asleep again. I hadn't received a full night of rest in a while.

"None of us do." I shrugged. "She's just hurting." I took a sip of the coffee. It was completely bitter but warm and energizing.

Charlie studied me with worry. "Are you okay? I know that you aren't as dramatic as your sister, but being broken up with surely must hurt."

"Rosalie didn't break up with me. We decided to stay together regardless of how far apart we are. When I go off to college she'll move to wherever I go." I told him.

He didn't seem convinced. "Regular relationships are hard. Are you sure you can do long distance?"

"I'll be fine," I assured him.

He breathed out a sigh of relief. "Good. I don't want both of my daughters in pain."

I looked at the wall mustering up the courage to start the conversation. "Bella and I need to go out of the house."

"You guys should hang out with your friends." Charlie nodded in agreement.

I took a huge sip of coffee before I continued.

"I know someone that's throwing a small party at their house after school." I studied Charlie's face. His facial expression was pretty neutral, probably due to how tired he was.

My father scratched his head and grunted. "Hmm... will there be alcoholic beverages or drugs?"

"Definitely," I said way too confidently for his liking. Before he could speak again I lied to calm his nerves. "But it'll be hard enough to convince Bella to go, I doubt she'll drink anything."

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