The Perfect Solution

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*"I've been told that you don't wear dresses. But my observations say otherwise." Alice picked through my closet. Throwing my clothes on the floor as if they were trash.

"It was the only clean thing in my closet." I rolled my eyes, feeling the need to defend myself for wearing a sundress while visiting the Cullens. I felt as though I was never going to live it down. Even Bella teased me.

Alice shot me a knowing glance. "Or you realized a certain someone would want to see you in a dress?"

"I needed to do laundry," I mumbled.

"You looked good in it and many people enjoyed seeing you in that dress." Alice continued ripping through my closet.

Tired of seeing clean clothes on the floor, I pulled her out of my closet. Surprisingly it was easy despite her inhumane strength.

"Many people? Alice, are you implying what I think you're implying?" I pushed her against the wall a bit.

"Yes! Finally, it seems like you weren't getting the hint." Alice beamed.

"You're in love with me?" I lifted her chin. She grimaced and pushed me back.

"No. No, I am not the one in love with you." Alice blushed. It was funny seeing someone, usually so pale, turn a tomato red.

"Don't be embarrassed. I'm very charming." I smirked.

Alice rolled her eyes. "And full of yourself. It's concerning that you haven't understood it."

"Understood what?" I asked.

"Rosalie Hale is in love with you."*

I felt a rapid tapping on my shoulder.

I sat up realizing that I was zoning out and reliving my dream from the night prior. I frowned and looked around at the people next to me. I was sitting next to Jessica and Angela at our unusually quiet table.

Bella was eating lunch with Edward. And the boys were gone doing something I didn't care about.

"Someone's in a grouchy mood." Jessica bit into an apple.

"I'm not, I'm just a little stressed." I rolled my eyes and stretched a bit, cracking my back as I did.

My eyes landed on Rosalie Hale who sat across the room talking with Alice. My heart fluttered but I quickly chastised myself for letting delusions get to my head.

Rosalie wasn't interested in me.

"Well, I have the perfect solution." I turned to look at Jessica who was smiling at me. I looked at her lips before responding.

"Which entails?" I asked. Jessica blushed and squirmed a little.

Why can't I make Rose do that?

Angela cleared her throat and spoke up. "There's a party at Tyler's cousin's house. It's going to be a little bigger than the last party because it's in a mansion in Seattle."

"Are you down? It'll cure your bad mood." Jessica went back to eating her apple. When she bit into it water splattered a little. I wiped some moisture off of the corner of her mouth.

Jessica turned red and I turned to Angela who seemed to be oblivious to what was going on.

"I'll go if I don't get bombarded with a shit ton of Physics homework." I needed to relax a bit and a party could potentially do that.

A game of Spin the Bottle could help me forget Rosalie. I was sure of it.

I noticed that Jessica was staring ahead of us. I followed her gaze to Alice and Jasper. Alice was dusting off his shirt or something while he sat there looking at her lovingly.

I didn't get to think about how sweet the moment was for long because Jessica ruined it. "I bet he calls her mommy."

I was too stunned to laugh. My mouth just hung open.

"Jessica!" Angela gasped.

"I'm just speaking my mind," Jessica grumbled taking yet another bite of her apple.

"Blythe that is not funny." I didn't even know that I was laughing until Angela called me out.

I looked down in shame and tried to contain my giggles.

"Just think about it." Jessica shrugged.

"I'd rather not." Angela scrunched up her nose. She was probably beginning to imagine it.

"At least I made Blythe laugh." Jessica looked at me. I put my head in my hands, still attempting to control myself.

"Who's ready for my party tonight?" Tyler sat in the seat in front of me.

Obstructing my view of the Cullens, well only Rosalie.

"Are you coming, Blythe?" He asked.

I looked around. Now there were a group of boys sitting at the table. They, along with Jessica and Angela, were waiting on my answer. I shrugged and caved in. "Wouldn't miss it."

I wasn't enjoying myself at all.

Jessica and Angela darted off somewhere the moment we entered the party. So I was alone and sulking in the corner. Which defeated the purpose of me even coming to the party.

Not to mention, there were a lot of people.

Too many unknown people.

The party was way bigger than I had imagined. A fault on my part as the party was being thrown in a mansion. However, I was told by Angela that this party would be a little bigger than the last one. The last one had ten people maximum. 

This had to be a hundred.

This had to be a fire hazard.

"It doesn't look like you're having any fun." Jessica popped up. She had two red solo cups in her hand. I figured one of them was for me.

"I'm not." I took a random cup and looked in it. I could tell that it was a dark liquor of some kind. I leaned against the kitchen counter and took a sip. I cringed at the taste. Jessica didn't even bother to mix it with some sort of juice.

"And that is because you're sitting here hiding and brooding in the corner of the kitchen," Jessica said.

She had a point.

"Brooding?" I raised an eyebrow.

Jessica laughed and mimicked my expression. She looked kind of cute. "You have a slight frown."

I took another sip from the cup in my hand. "It's not that noticeable unless you're staring at me for too long." I teased.

"And if I was?" Jessica smiled shyly. "Would you mind?"

I took another long sip before answering. "I don't mind it at all."

Jessica took a sip of her own drink. "Good because I could've been called a creep."

I laughed. "You still are, Babe."

"You're still brooding." Jessica pointed out.

"Well, are you going to give me something to smile about?" I smirked and ran my tongue along my bottom lip.

"I could." Jessica blushed. I looked her up and down.

"Prove it."

Jessica took my hand and led me to one of the guest rooms.

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