Phone Call

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I pranced around my room ignoring the ringing phone. "You can't keep ignoring your mother." Rosalie scolded.

"I'm not ignoring her. I just can't talk to her right now." I had more important things to do.

"And why is that?" Rosalie asked, her voice was laced with disbelief.

"Because I'm on the phone with you, my love." Not to mention the fact that I was high. Lately, I was high every fucking day. Charlie didn't seem to notice but I knew that there was a possibility of Renee sensing it.

"Baby you've been on the phone with me nonstop. It's okay to hang up and call your mom for a bit." Rosalie encouraged.

"Are you trying to get rid of me?" I frowned. Rosalie and I were calling each other constantly. Before school, during lunch, and after school.

"No. I'm saying that you can do what you need to do and then come back. If you want to." Rosalie assured me.

I stared silently at my door before responding. "She probably doesn't want to hear from me."

"Don't let Bella get into your head. Her words were untrue, I've seen the way you and Renee interact. She treats you and sees you as her daughter. Just as much as Bella." Rosalie said.

She was right, Renee never treated me differently from Bella. Except sometimes she did. Sometimes she walked on eggshells around me.

My thoughts were disrupted by a pat on my leg. I looked down to find my baby sister smiling up at me. Well her smile was blocked since her fist was in her mouth.

"Hi Mama, are you feeling better?" I picked up Kayli who tried to eat my nose. Kayli had been in a bad mood when she came over. She was fussy hence why Sarah dropped her off.

Considering the fact that my cramps were at an all-time high when Kayli showed up we both just cried ourselves to sleep.

She woke up in a much better mood than I did.

"Kayli woke up?" Rosalie asked. Rosalie hadn't seen Kayli in a while and was constantly asking about her.

I moved my face away from Kayli who was slobbering all over my nose. "Yeah. I think she's hungry."

I grabbed my phone from my bed and went to the kitchen. I set Kayli in her high chair with a sippy-cup full of water and sliced strawberries.

"Is she still getting bigger?" Rosalie asked.

"She is." During the summer Kayli was with me a lot more so she was fed more and in turn, she grew. She was still small but not as much as she used to be.

The house phone started ringing once again. "Answer your mom, I'll watch Kayli."

"If she slobers all over my phone I'm shoving her in a box and mailing her to Alaska." I threatened.

"I wouldn't mind it." Rosalie laughed.

I rolled my eyes and set the phone down by Kayli. I went to the kitchen to answer the phone, I still made sure that I had a line of vision to Kayli and my phone.

I took a deep breath before answering the phone. "Hi."

"Blythe, you know I love you." Renee immediately said.

My nerves were dispelled. "I love you too."

"You are my daughter. I raised you and I will continue to be here to support and guide you." Renee said. "No matter what anyone says, that will not change."

"I'm sorry I've been ignoring you." I lifted up my face so my tears would stay in my eyes.

"You were hurting, I completely understand," Renee said. I felt terrible for ignoring all of her calls.

"No, I shouldn't have punished you for something your daughter did." I apologized.

"She's sorry."

"I know she made me salmon yesterday and did my laundry." Bella had been trying to apologize through actions and words. Mainly actions since acts of service were one of my love languages.

"You won't forgive her?" Renee seemed surprised.

"I don't want to talk about her," I mumbled. I didn't want to see whose side Renee would take. Frankly, I felt as though, everyone would take Bella's side.

Everyone loved her more than me.

She was more deserving of love.

"Understandable," Renee said. The silence between us didn't last long before she switched the topic. "How are you feeling?"

I was reminded of the physical pain I felt. For some reason, my cramps weren't getting any better. Most likely due to the fact that I kept smoking and barely ate. "These cramps make me want to shoot myself," I grumbled.

"You mean that figuratively right?" Renee said in a warning tone. "Don't make me force Charlie to send you back."

I laughed. "I mean that figuratively, Mom."

I didn't.

"How are you and Rosalie doing? Your father told me that the Cullens have moved." My mother talked slowly as if it was a touchy subject.

"Since when do you guys talk to each other?" I snorted. Renee and Charlie didn't speak when Bella and I were kids. Instead, they communicated through us.

"Ever since you guys started living with him. I may not be there, but I do want to stay informed." Renee told me. It was hard to picture Renee and Charlie talking.

"Rosalie and I are okay. We decided to stay together, so we're a long-distance couple." I bit my lip, hoping my mother would leave it at that.

Of course, she didn't.

"Are you okay with that?"

"Mhm," I answered quickly. I knew Rosalie could hear the conversation.

"Blythe." Renee didn't buy it.

I glanced at the ring I had on my finger — the one with the Cullen crest. "I miss her. A lot more than I'd like to admit. But there isn't anything I can do about it."

I briefly glanced over at Kayli and Rosalie. Well, my phone. I was hoping that Rosalie would be preoccupied with Kayli... who was asleep. Fuck.

"You could be honest with her," Renee suggested.

"Honesty isn't in my vocabulary." I joked.

"Do you love each other?" Renee asked.

I loved Rosalie more than anything. I knew it and she knew it.

"Yes," I said without a shadow of a doubt.

"Then being honest shouldn't be hard." Renee lectured. "If she can't handle how you feel then she can't handle a relationship."

I remained silent.

"I know I tend to be pessimistic when it comes to teen love. But I'm rooting for you." Renee encouraged.

"Thank you." I sniffled.

Kayli jolted awake and started whining. "I gotta go, Kayli needs some attention."

"I love you, Daughter."

"I love you, Mama." 

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