Lunch with the Cullens

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"You've lost your mind," Bella grumbled, snatching the plastic baggy I held in my hand. I just shrugged and shoved the rest of the cookie in my mouth.

The cookie didn't taste good but no one ever eats an edible for the taste.

"Did you even think about the consequences? Charlie is home, Blythe. He's a cop and he will notice that you're high." Bella scolded.

I took my time chewing and swallowing my cookie before responding. "He won't."

Bella just shook her head and flopped down on her bed. "You haven't thought of anything, have you?"

"Isabella just calm the fuck down for a second." I laughed and sprawled onto her rocking chair. "It's Saturday, it's not like we have to go to school."

I jumped up once I heard the soft creak of Bella's window.

"Hey, Edward," Bella said.

"My family has invited the both of you over for lunch," Edward said bluntly.

I was very surprised. I craned my neck and squinted, seeing Edward standing in the middle of my sister's room.

"Did you climb the tree, Eddy?" I asked.

"Of course he did." Bella rubbed her temples. "We can't come, my sister's high."

Edward shook his head and looked at me. "That won't be a problem. Right, Blythe?"

"I can walk just fine." I nodded. He smiled at me gently before turning back to my sister.

"She's going to embarrass herself in front of everyone," Bella said.

"Alice foresaw it. She'll do perfectly fine." Edward assured her.

"I'll be perfectly fine, Isabella." I echoed.

"I have to go talk to your father." Eddy climbed out of the window, leaving me and Bella alone.

"Is his family nice?" I had yet to meet all of them.

"Yeah, don't worry we'll be safe over there. I've visited once." Bella assured me.

"And what happened?"

Bella scratched her arm nervously. "Rosalie broke a glass bowl and threw a fit but other than that, everything was fine."

"Did they try to eat you?" I blurted out.

Her jaw dropped and she quickly returned the question. "Do they try to eat you?"

"I wish Rosalie would-" My sister immediately shushed me.

"Her adoptive brother is downstairs, have some decency." Just then Edward rang the doorbell. We waited, letting Charlie answer the door, before heading downstairs.

Edward and Charlie were talking, civilly it seemed. But I had never seen Charlie look so discontent before.

"Edward is here for you, Bella," Charlie grumbled.

"We'll be back by curfew, Pops." I patted my father's back and he looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Blythe and Bella were invited to lunch by my mother," Edward told him. "She's heard a lot about Blythe from my sister, Rosalie."

"You're friends with his sister?" Charlie asked me.

"She bought me this bracelet." I lifted up my arm, showcasing the bracelet Rosalie bought me.

"Hmph." Charlie snorted. "Have fun." He returned to the couch where he was most likely sleeping before Edward woke him up.

"Would you like to come in while we get ready?" Bella asked Edward.

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